Whack-Job Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee Is Out Of Touch With Reality

Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee’s attack on Republicans is a feeble attempt to push blame for our current financial situation away from those who actually deserve it, like the Obama administration and Democrats who increased our nation’s debt by $4 Trillion in his first 19 months, which historically is more than all previous Presidents from Washington through Reagan COMBINED.

Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) is a complete wacko nut-job, who probably needs to take her medication and go lay down somewhere. At least until she comes back to reality, or gets removed from office. Seeing how completely out-of-touch with reality Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee really is, it would be best for the country if she was removed from office.

Sounds more like an idiot Rep has no clue about what is going on, and is just sticking up for Obama and her party’s destruction of our economy, jobs, housing, and just about everything else they have touched.

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) released a statement Monday saying the “debt crisis” has been “manufactured by House Republicans” who are “attempting to advance an extremist agenda.”

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Boehner Ends Dead-End Debt Limit Talks With Tax-Hungry Obama

Obama and most of the Democrats are not honestly in favor of lowering the debt. They do want to raise the debt ceiling and jack up taxes to feed their out-of-control spending, impose more and more job-killing regulations to further damage the economy, and increase the size of the government to try and make us more dependent on the free handouts, as many already are.

Obama and the Democrats have had plenty of time to get the majority of our problems figured out, yet they waited until the last second on the debt problem because they wanted the American People to feel as though their backs were against the wall, and that a Democrat plan must be crammed through as soon as possible. They did the same thing with their socialist takeovers of private sector businesses, and the healthcare bill that none of the Democrats even read before passing.

Here is the letter from House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) that explains why he broke off the debt ceiling negotiations with President Obama.

Dear Colleague,

Our economy is not creating enough

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Racist Democrat Jackass Sheila Jackson Lee Falsely Plays Race Card

I’m soooo sick of these assholes on the left playing the race card falsely!!

He who plays the race card falsely, is himself racist! (or in this case “herself”)

Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is an unhinged, brain-dead, jack-ass, racist in the worst way!!!

The racist Rep asks the question “Why is this president being treated so disrespectfully?”, and the answer is many faceted, but very simple. Obama is disrespectful to us. Obama is a Socialist who doesn’t care about the will of the majority of the American People, and has no problems playing dictator as he crams his liberal, job-killing, economy crushing policies down our throats, in a dangerous attempt to permanently ruin the U.S. economy.

The Racist Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson also said that “Obama has been targeted unlike any other president.” Are you f-ing kidding me?? I think the Racist Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson must be smoking something that is getting her really, really high because Obama has had a walk in the park compared to President George W. Bush! The only difference is that he was …

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Charles Krauthammer: ‘Call Obama’s bluff’

Charles Krauthammer is, by far, the smartest political mind in the media today, and he hits the nail right on the head in his new piece titled “Call Obama’s bluff”.

Mr Krauthammer goes after Obama’s assertion that he would not sign any deal less than 120 days, but has no plan of his own to deal with entitlements and the current Obama budget crunch.

I agree with Mr Krauthammer ! The GOP should pass their budget plan in the House and then wait and see what happens in the Senate. If it fails there, blame will be mainly placed at the feet of the Democrats.

President Obama is demanding a big long-term budget deal. He won’t sign anything less, he warns, asking, “If not now, when?”

How about last December, when he ignored his own debt commission’s recommendations? How about February, when he presented a budget that increases debt by $10 trillion over the next decade? How about April, when he sought a debt-ceiling increase with zero debt reduction attached?

All of a sudden he’s a born-again budget balancer

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Former Democrat Gov. Blagojevich Guilty On 17 Counts

Former Democrat Gov. Blagojevich Guilty On 17 CountsFormer Democrat Gov. Blagojevich has been convicted on 17 of the 20 counts against him!

If this were a Republican, in the same situation, he would probably already be in jail, but since Blago is one of the members of the Democrat Culture of Corruption, we are pretty sure that Rod will be getting of with a slap on the hand. Even if he does go to jail, it will basically be a country club.

Count 1 – Wire fraud related to Children’s Memorial Hospital-GUILTY

Count 2 – Wire fraud related to the Senate Seat-GUILTY

Count 3 – Wire fraud related to the Senate Seat-GUILTY

Count 4 – Wire fraud related to the Senate Seat-GUILTY

Count 5 – Wire fraud related to the Senate Seat-GUILTY

Count 6 – Wire fraud related to the Senate Seat-GUILTY

Count 7 – Wire fraud related to the Senate Seat-GUILTY

Count 8 – Wire fraud related to the Senate Seat-GUILTY

Count 9 – Wire fraud related to the Racing Bill-GUILTY

Count 10 – Wire fraud related to the Senate Seat-GUILTY

Count 11 – Attempted extortion …

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