Baby Murder-Loving Wendy Davis Attacks Paraplegic Apponent With Empty Wheelchair Images In Disgusting TV Ad
Late-term abortion-loving Texas Democrat, Wendy Davis, is currently using images of an empty wheelchair to attack her paraplegic political opponent, Greg Abbot.
“it’s the kind of Hail Mary pass that not only might not work but could have consequences for her own future political career” MSNBC’s Suzy Khimm
Greg Abbot is completely wiping the floor with Wendy Davis, the extreme pro baby-murder Democrat, in the Texas gubernatorial race, so Wendy Davis has started to panic, and in that panic trying many dirty Democrat tricks to fool the voters into believing she is competent for the job.
This is Wendy Davis’ campaign since her sick political ad.

Baby Murder-Loving Wendy Davis Attacks Paraplegic Apponent With Empty Wheelchair Images In Disgusting TV Ad
We think that Wendy Davis is completely wrong for America, no mater what state, and we think that Greg Abbot will end up exposing Wendy Davis as the extreme liberal baby murder-loving nut-job that she really is.
The upcoming defeat for Wendy Davis will be completely embarrassing, and we feel that she will never again be taken seriously again …
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