Huge No-Bid Contract for Obamacare’s Worthless Website Went to Michelle Obama Friends

Huge No-Bid Contract for Obamacare's Worthless Website Went to Michelle Obama Friends

Huge No-Bid Contract for Obamacare’s Worthless Website Went to Michelle Obama Friends

No wonder why the $500+ Million Obamacare website is such a broken, overpriced and worthless piece of shit..

The Obamacare website contract was handed out to friends of Michelle Obama, apparently without even taking bids for the contract.

Why wouldn’t the Obama administration take bids for such a huge contract, when the US government is supposed to take bids on all contracts? The reason is because this was just another example in the long, long line of Obama’s political paybacks using $ Billions of our money, to fill the pockets of his friends, cronies, and political supporters. Crony Capitalism at it’s finest.

Not only is the Obamacare website a non-functioning piece of shit, it appears to use a pre-built “Super Heroes” website template that the sham of a company, CGI Federal, edited to make the Obamacare website. Super Heroes names were even still found in the code of the website where the developers didn’t change it from the template’s previous purpose as a Super Heroes website.

CGI Federal …

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Democrat Crony Capitalism: Jesse Jackson Jr. Wife Firm Still Paid Monthly by Campaign – Laughs to Bank

Democrat Crony Capitalism: Jesse Jackson Jr. Wife Firm Still Paid Monthly by Campaign - Laughs to Bank

Democrat Crony Capitalism: Jesse Jackson Jr. Wife Firm Still Paid Monthly by Campaign – Laughs to Bank

Talk about Democrat Crony Capitalism?

Despite being absent from his job for most of the past year, while seeking prolonged and ongoing treatment for some secret “medical condition”, or what some people are calling a mental breakdown and a suicide attempt, Jesse Jackson Jr’s campaign continues to pay Jackson’s wife’s firm $5,000 each and every month.

“It’s obviously legal but it does raise ethical questions when you take campaign contributions from donors and you give them to your own wife, a family member, for work that may or may not be getting done” – Andy Shaw with the Better Government Association

Jesse Jackson Jr probably doesn’t have much on the Democrat Crony Capitalism Poster Boy, Barack Obama, but this revelation is still going to be very bad for Jackson and his campaign, as though he has a chance to hold on to his seat. We doubt that he does.

Good advice from Jessie Jackson Jr’s challenger
“Don’t vote for a ghost. Do not …

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Romney Ryan 2012 – Mitt Romney Picks Paul Ryan for VP

Romney Ryan 2012 - Mitt Romney Picks Paul Ryan for VP

Romney Ryan 2012 – Mitt Romney Picks Paul Ryan for VP

Mitt Romney is about to announce his pick for his running mate, which is being reported to be the chairman of the House Budget Committee, Paul Ryan.

USBACKLASH feels that Paul Ryan was the best pick for America, because unlike Tim Geithner, who helped the Obama administration run our economy into the ground with their crony capitalism, Paul Ryan actually knows what he is talking about when it comes to the economy, and will help dig us out of the hole that Obama put us in.

Mitt Romney has selected Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his vice presidential running mate and will make the long-awaited announcement here Saturday morning.

Romney’s campaign formally alerted supporters at 7 a.m. via an iPhone app that the seven-term congressman would be the Republican vice presidential nominee. Minutes later, the campaign sent out a release calling Romney and Ryan “America’s comeback team.”

By selecting Ryan, Romney has made a potentially bold but risky move to reset the dynamics of the presidential election. He

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Despicable Hack Harry ‘Red Nose’ Reid Claims Romney Paid No Taxes For Decade

Despicable Hack Harry Reid Claims Romney Paid No Taxes For Decade

Despicable Hack Harry Reid Claims Romney Paid No Taxes For Decade

Despicable Hack Harry Reid Claims Romney Paid No Taxes For Decade, but he won’t release all of his tax records, so they have no way of knowing. Following that same thought process, we wonder why Harry Reid’s nose is always so red. Maybe Harry Reid has been drunk for the last ten years, but he won’t release his health records, so we will never know.

Democrats are scared to run on their record of job loss, high taxes, corruption, waste, crony capitalism, and failure.

Instead of trying to run on Obama’s failure of a record, they have started a campaign of character assassination, throwing every despicable lie the can to the corrupt media, and then sitting back to see what gets legs.

Democrats falsely assassinate the character of their political opponents almost as much as they falsely play the race card, and Harry Reid and all other idiots who do this crap look completely pathetic and desperate.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), says he has been told that

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Despite Mountains of Evidence To Contrary – Obama Lies & Laughably Claims Democrat Economic Policies Actually Worked

Despite Mountains of Evidence To Contrary - Obama Lies & Laughably Claims Democrat Economic Policies Actually Worked

Despite Mountains of Evidence To Contrary – Obama Lies & Laughably Claims Democrat Economic Policies Actually Worked

This completely false statement from Obama is roll-on-the-floor laughable!!

Obama says that his administration tried Mitt Romney’s economic plan and it failed, but “We tried our (economic) plan, and it worked.”

“Some people call it a recession, I think it’s a depression.”

This is just another Obama lie, and the statement is false in multiple ways.

1) Obama has never cut taxes. Obama thinks the fix for all economic woes is to tax the hell out of job producers.
2) Their economic plan definitely has NOT worked. Under Obama’s so-called leadership:

  • Obama has added over $5 trillion to the US debt – Spent more money in 3 years than all other Presidents combined.
  • Obama handed down the largest tax increase in world history – called Obamacare – Ruled a tax by the Supreme Court.
  • Obama hasn’t improved the unemployment rate – Still over 8% unemployment – 100% caused by his administration and the Democrats.
  • Obama Hates Blacks and has done absolutely nothing for

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Obama Picks Yet Another Obama Green Energy Failure – Additional $20 Million Wasted by Obama Crony Capitalism

Obama Picks Yet Another Green Energy Failure - Additional $20 Million Wasted by Obama Crony Capitalism

Obama Picks Yet Another Green Energy Failure – Additional $20 Million Wasted by Obama Crony Capitalism

Obama has a horrible track record on the green energy companies that he gives taxpayer money to, and yet another one of Obama’s green energy pet companies, Amonix solar manufacturing plant in North Las Vegas, who received more than $20 million in federal tax credits and grants, has now closed it’s new one year old plant.

Obama wants you to believe that he had your interest in mind when he gave these wasteful loans totaling $ billions in lost taxpayer money, but the truth is that Obama only gave money to his friends and supporters. Obama didn’t care if the money was lost, or even if the companies survived. In fact I think that Obama wanted these companies to fail, and mostly gave to failing liberal-owned firms. The whole reason for the billions in wasted money that Obama threw down the toilet is to set his administration up to receive all of the paybacks.

The Amonix solar manufacturing plant in North Las Vegas, subsidized

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Obama Over-Regulation & Corruption Costs Taxpayers $46 Billion Per Year

Obama Over-Regulation & Corruption Costs Taxpayers $46 Billion Per Year

Obama Over-Regulation & Corruption Costs Taxpayers $46 Billion Per Year

A new Heritage Foundation report finds that the 10,215 new federal regulations which the Obama administration has added to the books, since taking office, are costing the American People $46 billion annually, with an additional start-up cost of $11 billion!

Now think back to the last conversation you had with a liberal who wanted to point out President Bush’s over-spending. The brain-dead liberals will never stop attacking President Bush, even though Bush instituted more regulations than Obama, but the 10,674 new Bush regulations only cost taxpayers $8.1 billion, as opposed to the $46 billion that Obama’s Crony Capitalism is costing us!

Lets vote Obama out of office before he finishes the job of tanking tanks our economy for good!

Some 10,215 new federal regulations from the Obama administration are costing consumers, businesses, and the economy overall $46 billion annually, more than five times the regulatory price tag of former President Bush in his first three years in office. Worse: just implementing those regulations had a one-time additional cost of $11

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Obama Packed Jobs Council With Democratic Donors, Bundlers, and Friends

Obama Packed "Jobs Council" With Democratic Donors & Bundlers

Obama Packed "Jobs Council" With Democratic Donors & Bundlers

Obama’s Crony Capitalism is completely out of control, and must be stopped! Remove Obama!

“At least 10 members of the Obama-appointed Council on Jobs and Competitiveness gave the legal maximum contribution — $4,600 — to help get Obama elected in 2008, and they continue to write checks for the president in 2012. Several also serve as Obama campaign bundlers, top fundraisers who collect millions of dollars from their networks of well-to-do colleagues and friends to aid his re-election bid.”

With all of the liberal pieces of crap on Obama’s “Jobs Council”, with No-Nothing, No-Jobs Obama as their boss, there is little to no chance that they will create any jobs. These jackasses are too stupid to figure out how to create jobs, even while the people who know how to create jobs, the Republicans, have been telling them exactly what needs to happen to turn things around. So I will be urging Republicans to vote against Obama’s “Jobs Plan”, because in reality, any plan that Obama and the Culture of Corruption …

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