Did Kay Hagan Really Skip a Classified ISIS Hearing to Attend a NY Fundraiser for Herself? Seems So

It seems that Sen. Kay Hagan and Obama have a lot in common. Kay Hagan and Obama are both government employees, and they both would rather be at a lavish & high-priced fundraiser, instead of actually doing their jobs.

Did Kay Hagan Really Skip a Classified ISIS Hearing to Attend a NY Fundraiser for Herself? Seems So

Did Kay Hagan Really Skip a Classified ISIS Hearing to Attend a NY Fundraiser for Herself? Seems So

Government records show that it is very likely that Sen. Kay Hagan did not attend an important classified ISIS hearing, and instead attended a fundraiser on her own behalf.

Obama would rather be on a golf course or at a fundraiser than just about anywhere, and it seems that N.C. Sen. Kay Hagan feels the same. At least on the fundraising point.

The revelation that Sen. Kay Hagan skipped an important classified hearing regarding one of the biggest dangers to America at the moment is not shocking to me. Afterall, she is a Democrat.

It is really a very sad state of affairs though when the sitting chair of the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, and a member of the Armed Services …

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