Obama and Clinton Lied & 4 Americans Died! Benghazi Report Shows Briefing of ‘Preventable Terrorist Attack’

Obama and Clinton Lied, and 4 Americans Died! Benghazi Report Shows Briefing of ‘Preventable Terrorist Attack’
The new bipartisan Senate report about the Benghazi terrorist attack, which killed 4 Americans.
Clinton and the State Dep. knew about the rise in attacks on Americans in Benghazi, and were told that the the diplomatic compound and a CIA annex would not be able to survive an all-out attack. The diplomats stationed in Libya almost begged for more security before the attack, but were denied by Clinton.
Even during the attack, we could have sent in teams of reinforcements, but those requests for additional security were denied as well by Clinton.
Obama and his cronies knew that the terrorist attack was not caused by a video, yet they went in front of the American People over and over telling lies about the attack being just a “spontaneous uprising” over a video.
Leon Panetta knew the truth about what happened in Benghazi, and for sure knew that Obama and his nutless sheep were lying to the American People, but did nothing and said nothing.…
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