Benghazi-Gate: Obama’s Inept Handling of Libya Cost American Lives & National Security Secrets

The inexperienced and inept “leadership” of the Obama administration led to the loss of American lives, treasure, national security secrets and much more.

Watch Obama dance around the question “Were the Americans under attack at the Consulate in Benghazi Libya denied requests for help during that attack?”

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

The answer is a definite Yes. The Americans under attack in Benghazi DID request help, but were denied by the Obama administration, so for Obama to say that they are “finding out exactly what happened” is a bunch of bullshit. The Obama administration had a drone flying above Benghazi filming the attack for 7 hours, and reports have said that “CIA officers in Benghazi had been told to “stand down” when they wanted to deploy from their base at the annex to repel the attack on the consulate, about a mile away.”

The Benghazi-gate cover-up by the Obama administration and other corrupt liberals is being ignored by the dying …

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New Secret White House Benghazi Emails May Include WH Command Cancelling Help For Fallen Heroes

New Secret White House Benghazi Emails May Include WH Command Cancelling Help For Fallen Heroes

New Secret White House Benghazi Emails May Include WH Command Cancelling Help For Fallen Heroes

New secret White House emails may be released this week which are said to include the “stand down” command, which ensured the oncoming tragedy in Benghazi would not be stopped, and that our people in Benghazi would most assuredly die.

“CIA officers in Benghazi had been told to “stand down” when they wanted to deploy from their base at the annex to repel the attack on the consulate, about a mile away.”

Obama SHOULD be held accountable in the media for his administration’s unbelievable incompetence, and huge subsequent coverup, but other than reports on FOX, the media will again tun a blind eye to Obama’s failures.

If we had this kind of obvious cover-up by the media back in 1973, Richard Nixon would have never been impeached, though it’s hard to compare the two when the Obama administration’s offenses are so much worse than Nixon’s.

On Tuesday night’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” on the Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich

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