Democrat Rep. Alvin Holmes is a stupid racist piece of crap who says that it’s Republicans who love murdering their babies with abortions.

Stupid Racist Democrat Rep. Alvin Holmes Accuses Republicans of Secretly Wanting to Abort Biracial Babies
Only a brainless liberal fucktard would falsely accuse Republicans of wanting abortions, when everyone knows that most Republicans are against all abortions, and Democrats are the idiots who fight for their right to murder their own babies. Alvin Holmes has even voted against a Republican bill that would have helped babies get adopted, instead of the babies being murdered by a liberal.
Lets see how the racist jackass Democrat Rep. Alvin Holmes has voted when it comes to abortion.
- On Jan. 22, 2014 Alvin Holmes voted Nay (No) on Bill HB 48 which would have authorized a tax credit for the adoption of qualified children.
- On April 2, 2013 Alvin Holmes voted Nay (No) on Bill HB 57 which would have established requirements for medical care at abortion clinics
- On Feb. 19, 2013 Alvin Holmes voted Nay (No) on Bill HB 10 which would have prohibited insurance from providing coverage for abortions
- On June 9, 2011 Alvin Holmes voted Nay (No) on Bill HB 18 which would have prohibited abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy
Racist Democrat Rep. Alvin Holmes is a supporter of murdering babies, has voted to allow late-term, and live-birth abortions, and really needs to get a clue!
After Alabama lawmakers passed four antiabortion bills this week, one African American Democrat turned to an unusual form of race-baiting, telling his white Republican colleagues that they’d feel differently about the procedure if their daughters were pregnant with a black man’s baby.
Wait, what?
“Ninety-nine percent of all of the white people in here are going to raise their hand that they are against abortion,” state Rep. Alvin Holmes, D-Montgomery, said on the floor, as recorded by “On the other hand, 99 percent of the whites who are sitting here now, if their daughters got pregnant by the black man, they are going to make their daughter have an abortion.”
The topic turned to race soon after Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin, R–Indiana Springs, the author of one antiabortion bill, compared her legislation to Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case that desegregated public schools by ruling that separate is not equal. The 1954 ruling resulted in social tumult in Alabama and other Southern states and is believed to have helped usher in the civil rights movement.
According to Slate, McClurkin, when asked if she was worried about potential court challenges regarding her abortion bill, remarked, “I’m not really concerned about the challenges. We’ve had challenges before. We wouldn’t have some of the things we have now if it hadn’t been for Brown v. Board of Education.”
Holmes’ comments come at a time when having an abortion in Alabama is nearly impossible and low-income black women are struggling to find access to family planning clinics.
The Alabama Department of Public Health, at the behest of pro-life organizations, issued a closure order in 2012 demanding the closure of the New Women All Women abortion clinic in Birmingham, one of the last clinics in the state. That happened this week.
According to The Raw Story, Holmes turned to McClurkin and asked if she’d allow her daughter to have a mixed-race baby.
“Yes, I would,” she replied. “I would let it run around in my living room and enjoy it as my grandchild.”
“Well, I need to commend you then,” Holmes said. “There’s not one in 100,000 that would do that.”
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