Stupid & Disgusting Skank Meghan McCain Says President Trump ‘Emasculated’ By John McCain’s Legacy

HAHA!! This is funny! Once again, disgusting fat stupid skank Meghan McCain is attacking President Trump, and says that Donald Trump – The billionaire 45th President of the United States – is somehow supposedly “deeply emasculated” by the legacy of John McCain. Um..OK.. Psycho!

Stupid & Disgusting Skank Meghan McCain Says President Trump ‘Emasculated’ By John McCain’s Legacy

“He’s deeply emasculated by my father’s legacy, and he can’t take it. That’s what it’s about.” – Stupid Fat Fake Conservative Loser Meghan McCain

What the hell did worthless fake conservative pussy John McCain ever do that would scare President Trump, other than being shot down and captured by the enemy?

Meghan and Cindy McCain must be crack smokers, because there was nothing masculine about John McCain – and there is nothing about McCain that would make anyone on the face of the planet “emasculated” by him.

John McCain was a fake Republican pussy, and John McCain’s legacy will always be one of fakeness, failure, weakness, and backstabbing the Republican Party on his way out the door with his infamous thumbs down vote with the democrats in the middle of the night.

Robert De Niro – what a total fucking psycho loser! That guy is fucking crazy! De Niro stews about President Trump 24/7 – 365, and it has made him completely fucking psycho!

“We’re at a crossroads as we all know. He would want to get elected a third term. He joked about it. He would want to be king for life. All these things are true. We see that. We know that about him now. This guy has got to be taken seriously, and he’s got to be taken out of office.” – Psycho loser Robert De Niro

De Niro uses the term “taken out” while talking about removing President Trump from office because he knows “taken out” means to kill someone, and that is just what he and the criminal treasonous democrats want. The democrats are using their dog whistle, calling to their criminal voting block, to try and harm President Trump because they know he will be re-elected in 2020 , and there isn’t a damn thing that they can do about it!

And as usual, the leftist accuse the Republicans of what the leftists are guilty of, and it is all of these stupid leftists who are DEEPLY & IRREPARABLY emasculated by President Trump and his many unparalleled accomplishments.

Here’s how it boils down – Democrat Socialists continue their quest to destroy America from the inside, while President Trump and Republicans work to stop the treasonous democrat criminals and put America back together, stronger than ever.

On Monday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View,” co-host Meghan McCain said President Donald Trump was “deeply emasculated” by her late father, former Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) legacy.

Co-host Joy Behar said, “You would never play Trump because he has no redeeming qualities whatsoever…You have played some of the most really unredeemable characters; Travis Bickle was a psychopathic in ‘Taxi Driver.’ Jake LaMotta who beat his wife in Raging Bull. Is Trump worse than they are?”

De Niro said, “To me he is. Because he has no understanding that I can see of the outside world other than anything around him, he has no idea of what his purpose in life as the president should be, and that is to pull the country together, to be for the people, to heal wounds, not to open them up and pour salt on them. I always say he’s a lowlife. He’s a lowlife. And he knows he’s a low life. He knows. Everything he projects about negative things on individuals, on situations, on institutions, he’s saying about himself.”

He added, “He’s what you call projecting. Because he feels that about himself, but he’s saying it like the dirtiest player. You insult people and say the terrible things about them when you feel that way about yourself. You know how terrible that is. He actually says that. What he said about her father, what is that about?”

McCain said, “He’s deeply emasculated by my father’s legacy, and he can’t take it. That’s what it’s about.”

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