Starbucks CEO Schultz Says Store Closings ‘Just the Beginning’ – More Closings Coming Due To Explosion of Democrat-Sanctioned Crime

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz says that the many Starbucks stores that they have already closed is “just the beginning” of the Starbucks store closings in democrat-ruled cities like Seattle, Los Angeles, Portland, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., and we should expect more Starbucks locations to close in more democrat areas, due to the planned explosion of democrat-sanctioned crime in most very unsafe democrat-run shitholes.

Most democrats would never tell you the reason why they are closing their stores – ESPECIALLY if that reason for the closings was caused by crime the democrats not only normalize and protect, but they also lowered the punishments so that nobody is the least bit scared about being caught robbing a store, robbing a person, hijacking a car.. there is no end to the list of crimes that have skyrocketed under Communist democrat malfeasance.

Of course the Communists and America-haters in the democrat party would also never tell you “Yea, we’re working from the inside to destroy America in the next 10 years”, but that is EXACTLY the Communist plan that the democrats have been infected with, but don’t have the honesty or balls to expunge the cancer from the left (wrong) side of Congress.

People who live in democrat-run-down cities are going to REALLY start hurting when all of the business say “enough is enough! We’re not staying here to be attacked and looted on a daily basis. We’re closing the stores and good luck to you.” It’s already happening with a lot more stores than shitty, overpriced and overrated Starbucks.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz placed blame on woke elected officials in Democrat-run cities for the abrupt closure of 16 stores located primarily on the West Coast.

On Tuesday, The Wall Street Journal was the first to report that six locations each will shut down in Seattle and Los Angeles, in addition to two in Portland, Ore., one in Philadelphia, and one in Washington, D.C., by August. The company cited repeated safety incidents behind its decision.

Leaked footage of Schultz at an internal meeting, published by The Post Millennial’s Ari Hoffman on Thursday, revealed the coffee-chain executive blaming elected officials for an environment in which it’s too hostile to operate.

“In my view at the local, state, and federal level, these governments across the country and leaders, mayors, and governors and city councils have abdicated their responsibility in fighting crime and addressing mental illness,” said Schultz, who returned to the company as chief executive in April. “We are going to have to refine and transform and modernize many of the things we do to meet the needs of our customers in a very changing operating environment in which customer behavior is changing.”

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