Squishy Sean Hannity Wants President Trump To Go Easy On Democrat Criminals After Being Re-Elected

Shitty FOX News election coverage, that helped the democrats steal the 2020 election, is one of the reasons why I stopped watching FOX News back in 2020, and I’m glad I stopped watching because it seems that things at FOX News have only gotten worse. I knew from the second that Fox News hired leftist piece of shit Donna Brazile, who gave Hillary Clinton all of the debate questions ahead of time, that I was done with FOX, and FOX News now has as many leftists and RINOS as CNN. Even Sean Hannity is getting squishy.

Former FOX News host Megyn Kelly has it 100% correct about what should happen, and what will happen in a very short period of time. Democrats are not happy to hear that what they do to their opponents can and will be done to them.

“THIS IS LONG FROM OVER” – President Trump

Sean Hannity always was one of the toughest conservatives at FOX News, but Hannity seems to have turned into a pussy, who wants President Trump to go easy on the democrat criminals after he wins the 2023 election. After everything that they have put President Trump through over the past 4+ years? Really? Fuck you Hannity! President Trump needs to COMPLETELY DESTROY the people who abused their power or broke the law in any way. Half of Congress should be behind bars, and not just democrats.

Hannity should not be using these obvious gotcha / clickbait questions on President Trump, and instead should be pointing out the people that have abused their power, broken the law, or covered-up the crimes of others. Hannity should help point out all of the many crimes that should be prosecuted, once law and order are restored to America.

President Trump needs to punish all of the people who played part in the constant attacks against him – which were done with many illegal methods – so anyone who broke the law SHOULD DEFINITELY be prosecuted and punished for their crimes!

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org