Wow! Monticello NY Mayor Gordon Jenkins was arrested for suspicion of drunk driving, and this guy does not like white people!
Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.
I hope this racist piece of shit loser thug Mayor Jenkins gets completely fucked in the ass after the world gets to watch this video! He definitely deserves it!
The racist piece of shit loser thug Monticello NY Mayor Gordon Jenkins even basically starts threatening and intimidating the officer saying that “What comes around goes around”, and that he would “make sure you pay for” arresting him.
“What are you going to do? Put me in jail five years? I’ll get out in five years, and I going to fucking tell you what the fuck you did to me, and I’m going to come back to you,” – Racist Loser Monticello NY Mayor Gordon Jenkins
The racist piece of shit says that a black officer just doing his job is a “sellout” and an “Uncle Tom” because he won’t look the other way and let the black mayor of the hook for allegedly driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. With what Gordon Jenkins was saying, and the way he was acting, maybe both drugs and alcohol.
This racist piece of shit thug belongs in prison. He even says that he hasn’t paid taxes on his 6 properties, which should definitely be investigated, and Gordon Jenkins should be prosecuted
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