Racist Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse Continues Racist Tradition Of All-White (KKK) Group – Apparently No Minorities Allowed

HAHA!! Watch racist-as-hell democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) defending his membership in the racist democrat all-white “Bailey’s Beach Club”, (AKA Spouting Rock Beach Association – SRBA) located in Newport, RI.

Despite having promised to disassociate from all-white clubs, United State’s Senator Sheldon Whitehouse shifted his ownership to his wife – Sandra Thorton Whitehouse. Combined, the Whitehouses own 25 shares in Bailey’s — making the couple one of the largest shareholders in a club. We wonder why democrat racist Sheldon Whitehouse transferred his shares in Bailey’s Beach Club to his wife after saying he intended to quit his membership in 2006? Very interesting.

The Bailey’s Beach Club is comprised of just millionaires and billionaires, and the only way new rich White members are admitted is only after a current rich White member dies. “IT’S A LONG TRADITION IN RHODE ISLAND AND THERE ARE MANY OF THEM.” (secret democrat KKK groups)

Back in 2017, racist democrat dickhead Sheldon Whitehouse said “I think it would be nice if they (Bailey’s Beach Club) changed a little bit, but it’s not my position.”

NOT MY POSITION? Um.. OK, that answer definitely shows that allowing colored people into the Whitehouse’s KKK-like all-white club is not the position that Sheldon Whitehouse wants to take.

Racism and the KKK were, and apparently still very much are, a long standing democrat tradition  – which started before the Confederates (democrats) lost the Civil War. And closet racist groups, like the all-white “Bailey’s Beach Club”, which we’ve read racist democrat Sheldon Whitehouse and his wife pretty much run, are a way to keep their racist democrat all-white traditions alive a little while longer.

Where are the ultra-racist National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the Congressional Black Caucus on this KKK-like club that racist democrat Sheldon Whitehouse and his wife not only belong to, but we hear the couple pretty much runs?

REPORTER: “Back in 2017, you had expressed concerns about the membership of the all-white Bailey’s Beach Club, and said that you hoped it would become more diverse. Now your family’s been members, and your wife is one of the largest shareholders. Has there been any traction, in that, are there any minority members of the club now?

WHITEHOUSE: “I think the people who are running the place are still working on that, and i’m sorry it hasn’t happened yet.

REPORTER: “Um, do you have concerns, in 2021, I mean.. obviously, it’s been four years.. You had remarks on the (Senate) floor following the deaths of Brianna Taylor and George Floyd saying you know hoping to root out systemic racism in the country. Um.. your thoughts on an elite, all-white, wealthy club again in this day and age? Um you.. know should these clubs continue to exist?”

WHITEHOUSE: “It’s a long tradition in Rhode Island, and there are many of them.. and, uh, I think we just need to work our way through the issues. Thank you.

Bailey’s Beach Club – Founded in the 1890s after new trolley service gave mill workers from Fall River ready access to Easton’s Beach, a wide expanse closer to downtown Newport that the well-to-do had claimed as their own. Not wishing to associate with people who took their lunches in buckets, high society relocated several miles to Spouting Rock, smaller and often seaweedy but safely beyond the reach of trolleys. Today, approximately 500 families belong, and for the most part, new members are added only when old ones die.

U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s membership in the exclusive and all-white Bailey’s Beach club is drawing strong criticism from Rhode Island minority leaders.
“To see Whitehouse, and to see him calling out Donald Trump — trust me, I saw the floor speeches — to say all that, why do you have to be in all-white club? To see him duck the questions, he knows. He knows what he’s done,” said Noel Frias, President of the Youth Council of the Providence Chapter of the NAACP.

After weeks of refusing to answer GoLocal’s questions about his membership in Bailey’s, GoLocal News Editor caught up with Whitehouse attending an event in Newport.

“I think it would be nice if they (Bailey’s Beach Club) changed a little bit, but it’s not my position,” Whitehouse told Nagle.

When asked if he would pressure the club to push for diversity at the all-white club], Whitehouse said, “I will take that up privately.” He then told Nagle he had no further comment and walked away.

Questioning Club, Membership

“At this point, the way the county is — the climate is — if we’re not being inclusive and taking in everybody, and we’re excluding people based on race, creed, color and orientation — you have to pick a side and stand on it. You can’t say you represent me and stand for me and my people otherwise,” said community leader Pilar McCloud, who has Chaired the NAACP Youth Council.

Bailey’s Beach Club is not an average private club — it has been described as the most exclusive club in America.

Frias questions Whitehouse’s sincerity

“Look, I’m not disrespecting ]Whitehouse] and who he is, but if you’re going to be part of this group, this club, then you’ve got to own it,” said Frias. “If you’re not just using my people as a stepping stone for your career, you better be clear. They find vulnerable populations and use them as a stepping stone.”
In a guest MINDSETTER™ column in GoLocalProv this past Sunday, Mike Araujo, Executive Director of RI Jobs With Justice, wrote, “I find Senator Whitehouse’s position on his membership of the historically restricted Bailey’s Beach Club deeply disappointing yet not surprising. Racism is the air we breathe in this country…”

“It’s very concerning to find out that a Senator [Whitehouse] that has recently been so vocal about the blatant racism being displayed in places like Charlottesville would be a member of this type of club. The community looks to their political leadership to embody the values that they publicly espouse,” said Ray Two Hawks Watson. “Particularly with his response of not distancing himself from the club, I believe it casts a lot of doubt on his overall integrity when it comes to issues of diversity and racial justice, and will impact his credibility on these types issues in the future.”

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