Racist Black Man Arrested For Threatening to ‘Shoot Every Black Person I See” – Just Another Fake Racism Hoax Perpetrated by Blacks

So, the racist threat against blacks on Twitter, saying “I’m going to shoot every black person I can on campus. Starting tomorrow morning.”, was a racist hoax, posted by piece of shit racist Emmanuel D. Bowden, who is black, and who was too fucking stupid to realize that they would be caught.

Racist Black Man Arrested For Threatening to 'Shoot Every Black Person I See" - Just Another Fake Racism Hoax Perpetrated by Blacks

Racist Black Man Arrested For Threatening to ‘Shoot Every Black Person I See” – Just Another Fake Racism Hoax Perpetrated by Blacks

SHOCKER, I KNOW! Some of you that watch CNN or MSNBC didn’t know that black people could be racist? They are the absolute worst racists in the world!

Piece of Shit Racist Asshole Turd Emmanuel D. Bowden busted for posting “I’m going to shoot every black person I can on campus. Starting tomorrow morning.”

Piece of Shit Racist Asshole Turd Emmanuel D. Bowden busted for posting “I’m going to shoot every black person I can on campus. Starting tomorrow morning.”

As usual, the media immediately jumps all over situations made to look like a White person is attacking blacks, one way or another, when the situations always torn out to be total hoaxes.

White people are continually accused of racist acts, when the act was really committed by a black person who is trying to stir the racial pot in America.

We see this kind of bullshit over and over, with no end in sight, and the media eats it up, without verifying the story before they start attacking White people, and mainly conservatives, who set blacks free from the bonds of slavery put on them by racist slave-driving Democrats.

Just about every claim of racism by black people is a fake hoax designed to drum up support for racist black lies, like the “Hand Up Don’t Shoot” group, which based their slogan on a complete lie that Michael Brown’s hands were up in the air when he was shot. This is a lie, and nothing could be father from the truth, which is Mike Brown was a violent criminal thug, who robbed a liquor store, attacked a police officer, and then got what he deserved. Too bad Dorian Johnson didn’t get the same.

The Mizzou bullshit was based on another confirmed lie that the car carrying Mizzou president, Tim Wolf, ran into the lying piece of shit racist asshole, Jonathan Butler. Video proves that the car did not hit the entitled racist turd, Jonathan Butler, and that the whole thing, including the so-called “hunger strike” was all a hoax and a lie.

Piece of shit 35-year-old racist asshole, David Lopez Jackson, was arrested for burning black churches.

Piece of shit 35-year-old racist asshole, David Lopez Jackson, was arrested for burning black churches.

The worthless piece of shit race-huckster, Al Sharpton, and others, blamed White supremacists for the black churches that were burned to the ground, when in reality, it has been proven as a hoax and a lie perpetrated by blacks, and it was actually 35-year-old David Lopez Jackson, a stupid black guy, with an extensive criminal history, who was arrested for burning the 7 black churches.

Even the pieces of tape that were placed over the portraits of black professors at Harvard University. We believe that this will turn out to be black on black racism as well.

Black on black racism is getting almost as bad as black on black crime, which is also completely-out-of-control, yet nobody in the black community will even talk about black on black crime and racism, let alone actually DO something about it.

The list of fake racism attributed to White people could wrap around the world a few times, because I would say that, conservatively, around 99% of racism claims by black people are completely made-up hoaxes.

Police on the campus of a taxpayer-funded university in central Michigan have arrested a man for posting a threat against black people on Yik Yak, the anonymous social media app.

The threat declared: “I’m going to shoot every black person I can on campus. Starting tomorrow morning.”

The man who police arrested, Emmanuel D. Bowden, is black.

He had lived in Saginaw Valley State housing and is — or was — a student at Delta College, a public, two-year community college nearby, reports The Saginaw News.

Bowden, 21, faces a single charge of making a false report on a threat of terrorism. If convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison.

Police say Bowden typed his fateful posting into Yik Yak at approximately midnight on Nov. 13 (a Friday).

Upon receiving highly negative feedback on the social media app, police say, Bowden backtracked with messages saying “I’m black” and “I was going to give it an hour to see how you all would react.”

Bowden’s poorly timed Yik Yak posting came on the night of last week’s Paris terror attacks and during a time when race issues on American college campuses have become especially sensitive.

Police actually arrested Bowden on a separate, unrelated warrant — apparently related to misuse of a credit card in a campus convenience store.

Bowden remains in jail in lieu of a $10,000 bond. His case comes before a judge in early December.

A Saginaw Valley State spokesman stressed that, of course, Bowden is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

The FBI assisted with the investigation.

Prior to this incident, Saginaw Valley State was most famous because it was the public school that tried to censor campus posters saying “Fuck censorship.”

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