President Trump has been very patient waiting for the DOJ to finally do it’s job and stop stonewalling on producing the documents that have been requested of them, and now it;’s time to start playing hardball.
President Trump really needs to get involved to force the release of the documents that show how the DNC, FBI, DOJ and Russian contacts conspired to try and destroy the President of the United States.
The takeover and abuse of the DOJ and FBI for political purposes should scare each and every American, and every American citizen needs to contact their representatives and tell them that you DEMAND That all documents be released immediately.
It’s high time for President Trump to declassify ALL of the FISAGATE documents, so the American People can see the crimes committed by the DNC, FBI, DOJ and others.
The corrupt fake news media, like CNN and MSNBC and many others, also need to be held accountable for their bias and lies.
Robert Mueller’s so-called “investigation” AKA “Corrupt Witch Hunt” needs to also be shut down and investigated for their crimes and corruption.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –