President Trump MUST Ban & End ALL Geoengineering As Secret Depopulationist Continue Fucking With The Earth

EVERY SINGLE GOVERNMENT OF THE WORLD NEEDS TO BAN ALL FORMS OF GEOENGINEERING IMMEDIATELY! President Trump must ban and end all forms of geoengineering nationwide, as the criminal depopulationists are experimenting with the Earth’s environment to try and decrease the number of people on the Earth, as well as many other greedy and nefarious reasons. The people inhabiting the Earth should DEMAND that their governments stop people fucking with the Earth’s natural cycles, because they are going to cause FAR more problems than they will ever fix!

I would bet my left nut that Depopulationist criminal Bill Gates is behind this bullshit, and Bill Gates is one of the world’s worst criminals, who should be forced to spend the rest of his life inside a prison cell, or executed for his crimes against the world.

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