Spycho Nutless Pussy Robert De Niro Wants President Trump Violently Attacked With Bag of Human Shit

Psycho loser Robert De Niro now says that he wants to see President Trump humiliated, and has put out the call to have some brainwashed leftist tool to hit the President of the United States in the face with a bag of shit.

Spycho Nutless Pussy Robert De Niro Wants President Trump Violently Attacked With Bag of Human Shit

“I’d like to see a bag of shit right in his face. Hit him right in the face like that and let the picture go all over the world.”

Hey, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, so anyone out there who is feeling wild, Robert De Niro just gave you permission to slam him in the face with a big fucking turd.

Personally, I think it would be fucking funny as hell if Robert De Niro’s food was tainted with human shit and pubes every time he went out to eat… though attacking someone with human waste or fluids definitely is an open and shut case of criminal assault, so I will just continue to day dream.…

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Jews For Trump – ‘Hey Siri, Who’s the President of the United States?’ – Donald J. Trump is President!

This is fuckin’ awesome!! I LOVE IT! “Hey Siri, who’s the President of the United States?” Siri: “Donald Trump is President of the United States.” YEA!!!!!!!

I really can’t understand how any Jew could be against President Donald Trump – the most pro-Jew and pro-Israel President in the history of the United States. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a strange disease though!

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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Man Gets Over 15 Years in Prison For Burning LGBTQC Flag – Supreme Court Would Dismiss

A man in Iowa named Adolfo Martinez has been charged with a so-called “hate crime”, and received over 15 years in prison, because he burned a gay flag.

Man Gets Over 15 Years in Prison For Burning LGBTQC Flag – Supreme Court Would Dismiss

The burning of the flag didn’t put any people or property (other than the gay flag) in jeopardy, but the leftists in charge don’t care and have charged him with a hate crime against a flag.

So it’s perfectly fine to burn the American Flag and pretty much any other flag, but burning the gay flag will send you to prison for a very long time??

Go fuck yourselves! If burning the American Flag is legal, then burning the Gay flag is legal as well.

I would think that Adolfo Martinez stands to win a lot of money if he files a lawsuit.

An Iowa man who set fire to a church LGBTQ flag in June was sentenced Wednesday to over 15 years in prison.

Adolfo Martinez, 30, was found guilty last month of a hate

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‘I I I I I I I I I I Can’t Talk’ – Joe Biden Mocks Stuttering Child in Democrat Debate

Was Creepy Grandpa Joe Biden mocking himself here when he made the “I I I I I I I I I I Can’t Talk” immitation, or was he mocking a defenseless stuttering child?

Former Vice President Joe Biden imitated a stuttering child during Thursday evening’s Democrat presidential primary debate.

The bizarre moment occurred when it was Biden’s turn to respond to the evening’s final question: Would you give a gift or ask for forgiveness this holiday season?

Biden began his response by stating that he and his wife, former second lady Jill Biden, have a “call list” ranging from 20 to 100 people whom they speak to each month. “I give them my private cell number. They keep in touch with me,” the former vice president explained.

Biden then recounted a call he had with a young boy with a stutter. “I can’t talk, what do I do?” the former vice president recalled the boy telling him, mimicking his stutter by saying “I” repeatedly.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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John Durham Aims Criminal Investigation At Corrupt CIA / FBI Liars John Brennan & James Comey – Pants Get Shitted

Uh Oh!!!!! CIA/FBI criminal liars John Brennan and James Comey are royally shitting themselves right now after finding out that John Durham has started aiming his criminal investigation towards them.

John Durham Aims Criminal Investigation At Corrupt CIA / FBI Liars John Brennan & James Comey - Pants Get Shitted

John Durham Aims Criminal Investigation At Corrupt CIA / FBI Liars John Brennan & James Comey – Pants Get Shitted

These criminals should also be investigated for interfering in the 2016 election, interfering in the 2020 election, as well as collusion with the fake news media to commit their crimes, and to help push the democrat’s treasonous lies & scams.

“The idea that this was seven layers below him (James Comey) is simply not true. I think that one of the problems with what happened was precisely that they pulled the investigation up to the executive floors, and it was run and bird-dogged by a very small group of very high-level officials.” – US Attorney General William Barr

Comey & Brennan can make up all of the lies and excuses they want, but the truth will come out, and as all of the treasonous democrat fools all said during their …

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Stupid Socialist Democrat Fake Indian Liar Elizabeth Warren Says President Trump Would ‘Step on Cute Cat’ to Get Ahead

WOW! Elizabeth Warren is not very self aware, is she? (or very smart for that matter) Stupid Socialist democrat liar Elizabeth Warren – the same dumb skank who the lie that she was an American Indian to get ahead in life – has actually stated the President Trump would “step on a cute little kitten” to help himself.

Stupid Socialist Democrat Fake Indian Liar Elizabeth Warren Says President Trump Would ‘Step on Cute Cat’ to Get Ahead

This, from a woman who used the stolen identity of a minority race to obtain everything she has achieved in her miserable life – which actually belongs to someone else.

The honest truth is that Elizabeth Warren has no fucking chance in hell of being elected in the United States, and anyone who tells you differently is pretty fucking stupid..

Maybe Warren should try going to Venezuela, and try running for President there.

During an interview with CNN on Thursday, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) claimed President Donald Trump would “step on a cute little kitten” to get what he

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Democrat ‘Impeachment Expert’ Witness Noah Feldman Says President Not Actually Impeached Until Articles Delivered to Senate

I think it’s pretty fucking hilarious that every fucking stupid-ass stunt that the democrat criminals try and pull ends up blowing up gloriously in their faces!

Democrat ‘Impeachment Expert’ Witness Noah Feldman Says President Not Actually Impeached Until Articles Delivered to Senate

It’s like Bart Simpson continuing to touch the electrified donut. He REALLY wants that donut, and he knows that it’s going to be painful, but he goes for it again, and again, and again anyway. Stupid.

The hapless democrat losers have tried to impeach President Trump not once, not twice, BUT 7 TIMES.

Most people don’t know that the treasonous democrats had already tried impeaching the President 6 times, and each time – including the latest – have failed miserably, because the President has committed no crime, and they know it.

So, yea.. Go ahead and hold onto those articles of impeachment, Nancy.. Because your own “expert witnesses” say that withholding the articles of impeachment from the Senate actually means that the impeachment is null and void, and it’s kind of like it never happened.

Even after the …

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James Clyburn & Racist Democrat Party that Lynched Slaves & Spawned KKK Now Wants to Hang President Trump

Racist piece of shit democrat James Clyburn says that he wants to “Hang” President Trump after their fake joke shampeachment.

“Let’s give him (President Trump) a fair trial and hang him.” – Racist democrat piece of shit James Clyburn

Democrats, the same party that used to lynch their slaves, and the same democrat party that spawned the racist and violent Ku Klux Klan, now wants to hang the President of the United States!

If we’re talking about punishment for treason, then there are many disgusting democrat criminals who actually do deserve to be hung for their high crimes against America.

Social media went ballistic today when Rep. James Clybourn said in a CNN interview with John Berman: “Let’s give him a fair trial and hang him.” That comment was lost in translation, so the focus was on that one comment. It was mistaken as a comment directed at President Trump when it was not. In the end, Clybourn shouldn’t have used that phrase in the conversation about President Trump’s impeachment.

What’s more important is that Rep. James Clyburn and other

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