California Police Officer Slams Car Jacking Victim’s Head Into Car – Killing Him – Tries Covering Up Crime

Wow! California police officer Charlie Blount, apparently from the Sebastopol Police Department, belongs in prison after killing David Ward by slamming his head into the door of his car, along with the use of a taser and chokehold. Chokeholds are usually illegal to use by the police.

Even if the man was the actual carjacker, instead of the carjacking victim that he was, slamming someone’s head that hard, and causing the person to die, is a crime that demands justice.

Go to 3:30 in the video above to see the piece of shit officer slam the man’s head into the car, which was so violent and wrong that iyt probably would have killed most people, or at the very least would have had some very serious medical problems for the rest of their lives.

Even after being told that the man he just killed was the victim, and not the carjacking criminal, the piece of shit officer Blount apparently just said “Oh well”, because he didn’t care that he just murdered a man for no reason, and believes that he …

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Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg Spend Over $200 Million To Buy Election – Still Can’t Get Over 5% Support

Democrat losers Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg think that they can buy the democrat nomination for President, and ordinarily they would be right, but probably not this election.

Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg Spend Over $200 Million To Buy Election – Still Can’t Get Over 5% Support

The democrat establishment stole their party’s nomination from Socialist tool Bernie Sanders in 2016 to clear the way for Hillary Clinton – the worst presidential candidate in history – so maybe the democrats aren’t going to allow some worthless tools with a lot of money from buying the nomination out from under Bernie’s feet.

I think it’s funny though when stupid leftists feel so self-important that they will flush hundreds of millions of dollars down the toilet to try and buy the democrat nomination, and fail. In Steyer and Bloomberg’s case, they have spent over $200 million, and still can’t get over $5 support.

I love seeing these losers waste their money – the more money they lose the better – so I think Steyer and Bloomberg should keep spending!


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CA Shithole Meme Winner – ‘Livin’ It Up At The Hotel California’

LIVIN IT UP AT THE HOTEL CALIFORNIA – This meme is brilliant! I wish I had thought of it, but I didn’t.

This has to be one of the best memes about how Nancy Pelosi and the democrats have destroyed the state of California – and how the living conditions in California have gone from horrible to unlivable – with huge mount of human shit and piss everywhere, it’s even unsafe to your health to go there.

Think about it – After the shit cleaning crews go around the city of San Fransicko and hose-down the loads of shit and piss coating the streets and sidewalks everyday, that toxic human race runoff goes exactly where? Yep. Into the street sewers, where it can fester, and ultimately ending up in a fresh water stream or the ocean.

So Nancy Pelosi is allowing her toxic city to poison the waters of America and the world.

THANKS NANCY! (you dumb bitch)

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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WAY Bigger Than Watergate – DNC/FBI/CIA/DOJ Spying & Treasonous Coup Attempts Against Trump Blowup On Democrat Criminals

Democrats are fucking idiots! They are treasonous criminals as well, but it’s completely fucking funny how fucking stupid these brainless hacks truly are.

WAY Bigger Than Watergate - DNC/FBI/CIA/DOJ Spying & Treasonous Coup Attempts Against Trump Blowup On Democrat Criminals

WAY Bigger Than Watergate – DNC/FBI/CIA/DOJ Spying & Treasonous Coup Attempts Against Trump Blowup On Democrat Criminals

Seriously, circus music playing every time the hapless criminal loser democrats do anything, because they are a bunch of fucking clowns, who royally fuck up everything they do. Their coup attempts against President Trump are no different.

WAY Bigger Than Watergate – DNC/FBI/CIA/DOJ Spying & Treasonous Coup Attempts Against Trump Blowup On Democrat Criminals

They DNC/FBI/CIA/DOJ criminals know they’re busted, and all they can do now is to try and muddy the water, and distract the American People with their endless fake “investigations” and shampeachment.

The ONLY thing keeping the democrat party from COMPLETELY imploding, and being held accountable for their crimes, is the corrupt leftist fake news media, who refuse to do their jobs – refusing to report on ACTUAL democrat crimes and real treason – and instead spend their times making up shit about the President of the …

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Democrats Continue Hiding All Traces of Slave-Driving Confederate KKK DNC History By Removing Statues

So, while President Trump makes history in real ways that matter to Americans, democrats continue tearing apart their history of slavery & KKK in the United States.

vDemocrats Continue Hiding All Traces of Slave-Driving Confederate KKK DNC History By Removing Statues

The democrats know that there isn’t much time before all black people know that they have been blindly voting for the same Confederate democrats that, throughout history, have been THE party of slavery, racism, Jim Crow, segregation, and even the KKK. The Confederates are democrats and the democrats are Confederates. Look it up.

So, the democrats have been trying to wipe all traces of their racist, slave-driving past from history. Next they will be going after the history books, if they haven’t already, to start brainwashing stupid people into believing that Confederates were Republicans. They were definitely democrats though.

This blind support of the democrats by the black population is tapering off and will soon be coming to an end – especially with President Trump making great strides for blacks and all minorities, and greatly improving the lives of …

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NFL’s Green Bay Packers Supports Planned Parenthood Baby Murderers – Fans Revolt – Team Makes Excuses

NFL’s Green Bay Packers Supports Planned Parenthood Baby Murderers – Fans Revolt – Team Makes Excuses

The NFL’s Green Bay Packers have been busted for donating to Planned Parenthood Baby Murderers, and now the team has started making excuses for supporting such a disgusting baby-killing organization after their fans have started revolting against the NFL team.

The Packers tried explaining away their support for a company that makes it’s money by snuffing out the lives of millions of innocent babies, by saying their support for Planned Parenthood Baby Murderers is really just an “innovative Spanish-language education program that empowers people to take charge of their health”.

Um… OK, keep telling yourselves that… You may end up believing your own lies, but the vast majority of Americans are calling “BULLSHIT”on the Green Bay Packers.

“If the foundation truly wanted to promote families and ensure the safety of children, they would not be financially investing in an organization that violently destroys children’s lives each and every day. Any perceived benefit Planned Parenthood provides to society is wiped out every time they kill

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Democrats Murdered FBI Spy Joseph Mifsud To Keep Him Quiet About Treasonous DNC/FBI/CIA/DOJ Crimes

So, I guess we can go ahead and add FBI spy Joseph Mifsud to the list of people murdered by the democrats to cover-up DNC/FBI/CIA/DOJ Russia Spygate treason & other high crimes against America.

Mifsud is the Father of the DNC/FBI/CIA/DOJ Russiagate Scandal – The most treasonous set of political crimes ever to be committed in the history of America – which makes Watergate look like a jaywalking ticket – so he is a hero of the crazy fuckers on the left, but most people think Mifsud is already dead, and that the democrats killed him to keep him quiet.

Joseph Mifsud was involved in starting the DNC/FBI/CIA/DOJ Russiagate Scandal, so he would obviously have to have a lot of knowledge about pretty much everything that was done by the treasonous Obama administration and the Deep State DNC/FBI/CIA/DOJ to spy on Candidate Donald Trump, and then to spy on and remove a US President.

The DNC/FBI/CIA/DOJ just couldn’t allow Mifsud to tell anyone what he knows – especially Durham or Barr – so Mifsud had to die.

We can also …

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