Now the brain dead jackass MSNBC host Chris Matthews says that even mentioning the ultra-corrupt Chicago roots of Obama is somehow racist – because “there are a lot of African Americans in Chicago”.
These corrupt pieces of trash at MSNBC will continue to blatantly lie, and say anything to cover for Obama’s complete and total failure as president, until the day that the dying network finally goes under and kicks the bucket. The final day for MSNBC is not far off, as MSNBC has the worst ratings of almost any cable channel, and similar to Obama’s economic plan, MSNBC’s business model is unsustainable.
When this happens, we will happily say good riddance to the corrupt hacks as MSNBC.
Chris Matthews was on Hardball tonight covering the Republican National Convention with guests Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post and John Heilemann of New York Magazine. In what is seemingly the natural progression of things these days with Matthews, the subject of the ‘otherization’ of the President was being discussed. Because, if you weren’t aware already, Barack Obama is black, and any time a Republican chooses to discuss the failure that is his administration, the media will be there to quickly remind you that they only feel that way because of his skin color.
But tonight’s episode of race-baiting with Chris Matthews was a bit odd in that the panelists somehow came to the conclusion that reminding people of the President’s roots in Chicago politics is racist. In fact, simply saying Chicago is racist. (Video below).
Robinson sets the racial tone by saying (h/t The Right Newz):
“It’s all part of this Barack Obama as ‘other’ sort of blanket campaign that has been waged by the Republican Party for some time now. It may be gaining some traction now, though I wonder why now as opposed to a bit closer to election.”
Matthews then demonstrates his mind-numbing ability to take an idiotic statement, amplify it, and subsequently make it exponentially more idiotic coming from his mouth, when he said this:
“Yea, well let me ask you about that gentleman. What about now, is this constant barrage of assaults, saying the guy is basically playing an old game of demagoguery politics, where you take the money from the worker bees and give it to the poor people to buy votes. That’s basically what they’re charging him with. Old big-style, big-city machine of 50 years ago.”
By the way, nice toupee Chris Matthews. Who do you think you are fooling with that nasty, obviously fake and terrible looking rug on top of your head.
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