The Obama administration is great at making up bullshit excuses, aren’t they?
The administration’s excuse for releasing the 5 worst terrorist leaders being held in Gitmo, in exchange for one Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, an American soldier who is said to have been a deserter and a traitor, was that they “leave no man behind”, and they did what they had to do to bring this man back to his family.
But what about Andrew Tahmooressi, the U.S. Marine sergeant who has been sitting in Mexican jails since March 31st, and has had absolutely no help from Obama? Not even a phone call.
Obama knows that if he called and really wanted to free the US soldier, he would be able to do it in just one phone call, but still he sits on his hands and won’t act. But why?
The terrorist-friendly Obama administration will endanger Americans, and many other people around the world, by releasing the top 5 captured terrorist leaders on a whim, and against his own experts advice, after our country went to great expense in treasure and blood for their capture.
Obama won’t make one single call though to help free a US soldier who has been sitting in Mexican jails, for months, for no reason, other than missing an improperly-marked and hard to use turn-around area.
We have always said, even well before Obama released the 5 dangerous terrorists leaders, that the Obama administration is a terrorist-friendly administration, who time and time again have gone out of their way to make life easier for terrorists, while at the same time endangering Americans, here and abroad. Benghazi anyone?
We can cut right through Obama’s bullshit though and tell you EXACTLY why Obama won’t help U.S. Marine sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi.
We believe the real reason why Obama won’t help sergeant Tahmooressi is because he was detained with guns; and not just any guns, but he had the dreaded “assault rifle”, which just hearing the term “assault rifle” makes liberals heads spin.
I bet Obama got many calls and emails telling him to let the “gun nut” rot in Mexican prison, and Obama was too weak to stand up to the chorus of liberal nut-jobs who have his ear, and do the right thing.
But what’s new??
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