ND Judge Issues Arrest Warrant For Loser Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein After Vandalizing Construction Equipment

A judge in North Dakota has issued an arrest warrant for the dumb-ass Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, after the criminal was filmed vandalizing construction equipment with spray paint to protest the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline.

What kind of stupid fucker allows herself to be filmed vandalizing a company’s equipment as she was trying to drum up support for her failed and barely alive campaign.

Stein spray painted “I approve this message” in the blade of a bulldozer, and thought that she was doing something fun, but Jill Stein was breaking the law.

There was no chance in hell that Jill Stein would reach the 15% threshold to be allowed onto the debate stage with Trump and Clinton, and now Stein has completely sealed her fate.

I believe Jill Stean only has about 2% support, but that will probably go down after this stupid criminal stunt.

A North Dakota judge issued a warrant Wednesday for the arrest of Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, who is accused of spray-painting construction equipment during a protest against the Dakota Access pipeline.

Court records show Stein was charged Wednesday in Morton County with misdemeanor counts of criminal trespass and criminal mischief. The same charges have been filed against her running mate, Ajamu Baraka.

Stein campaign spokeswoman Meleiza Figueroa could not immediately comment on whether Stein plans to turn herself in.

Activists invited Stein to leave a message at the protest site near the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s reservation on Tuesday, Figueroa said, and Stein sprayed “I approve this message” in red paint on the blade of a bulldozer. A court document shows Baraka painted the word “decolonization” on a piece of construction equipment.

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