Ron Reagan HAS to be one of the dumbest fuckers on the face of the entire planet, and I bet the great US President Ronald Reagan was embarrassed as hell of his stupid & frale, gay son Ron, who obviously has an IQ of a 3rd grader.
I very seldomly agree with Bill Maher, but he is right on the money when it comes to the future terrorist, being called “Clock Boy”, after disassembling a clock, mounting it in a small briefcase to mimic the look of a terrorist IED (improvised explosive device), and then brought the device to school to start the very predictable reaction to an electronic device that looks like a bomb.
Apparently, the mentally-challenged Ron Reagan thinks that all terrorist time bombs are nuclear, because the brainless libtard says “Here’s the thing about bombs. They have the little timer, that is the clock part, and then those wires that come out? They’re attached to fissile material that explodes.”
“Fissile material” Ron?? Brainless libtard Ron Reagan obviously has no clue that fissile material is material, like Uranium, that is capable of sustaining a nuclear fission chain reaction.
And yea, it looked exactly like a bomb, without the actual explosives, designed to whip brainless liberals, like Ron Reagan, into a tizzy to protect the young terrorist wannabe, and nudge the American People closer to being more complacent about terrorism, and ignoring when they see a terrorist with a bomb.
Ron Reagan continues saying “It’s a clock”, “It’s a clock”, and also laughably claims that “It didn’t look like a bomb, it looked like a clock”.
Yea, Ron, you stupid piece of shit, it did look like a clock that was disassembled and mounted in a case to look like a bomb. There is no reason to take apart a perfectly functioning clock, mount the guts in a briefcase, and then claim that you “invented a clock”.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –
Credit where it’s due to comedian Bill Maher and HBO show Real Time, which has become one of the few mass media outlets telling the truth about “Clock Boy” Ahmed Mohamed, who was removed from his Irving, Texas school when he brought a device to the school unannounced that resembled a bomb. The story went viral after a push from Islamic activist group CAIR and a tweet from President Obama, but Maher’s show has consistently fought the narrative on it.
On last Friday’s show, Maher assailed the fables spun by liberal apologists, pointing out two basic facts: the “clock” that Mohamed brought to school did look like a bomb, and that the 14-year-old who’s been hailed as a genius inventor didn’t actually invent anything at all.
On the show, Maher referred to Mohamed’s myriad defenders as “ninnies.”
Since the incident, Mohamed has appeared before the United Nations and been praised by everyone from President Obama to the high-tech progressives Facebook and Google.
Maher used a zinger to shut down the notion that the boy removing the back of a piece consumer electronics and showing it to people makes Mohamed any kind of inventor, saying “This is like pouring milk on a bowl of Cheerios and claiming you invented cereal.”
When liberal Ron Reagan, Jr. attempted to claim that the device that Mohamed brought to school didn’t resemble a bomb, Maher quickly defused his argument, urging him, “Try taking that through airport security.”
It’s the second time that Maher has featured the Clock Kid as a topic of discussion. On a previous episode of Real Time, billionaire Marc Cuban revealed that when he spoke on the phone with Muhamed and asked him questions, he could hear his sister whispering answers to him. On that episode Maher also noted that so many young Muslim men have “blown a lot of shit up around the world.”
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –