Bat-Shit-Crazy Lori Lightfoot & Democrat Criminal Communists Have Turned Chicago Into Deadly 3rd World Shithole

Democrat mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, (America’s Worst Mayor) and the rest of the Communist democrat criminals running Chicago have turned a once-great city into one of the most dangerous shitholes on the face of the Earth.

Bat-Shit-Crazy Lori Lightfoot & Democrat Criminal Communists Have Turned Chicago Into Deadly 3rd World Shithole

Bat-Shit-Crazy Lori Lightfoot & Democrat Criminal Communists Have Turned Chicago Into Deadly 3rd World Shithole

Watch disgusting troll Lori Lightfoot shake uncontrollably while talking about the weird-ass email she sent to her abused staff – who have all quit.

When will Illinois wake the fuck up and elect someone who is not an America-hating Communist who is TRYING to destroy the city? Or have the democrats stolen that election as well every election cycle?

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –