John McCain Will Be Remembered As Weak Fake Conservative Pussy Who Routinely Fucked Own Party to Help Democrats

Fake conservative piece of shit John McCain says that he wants to be remembered as someone who “served his country honorably”.

That’s a load of shit right there, because Fake conservative loser John McCain pretty much served the Democrat party, and fucked over his own party at every possible opportunity.

John McCain has NEVER really been a conservative, and has routinely chosen the side of the libtard Democrats over the Republican Party to which he belonged.

  • McCain is a fake conservative who is a traitor to the Republican Party.
  • McCain has been a Anti-Trump loser from day 1, and has been working to undermine President Trump in every way possible.
  • McCain voted to continue on with the Obamacare failure, even after Obamacare was all but dead.
  • John McCain (and Lindsey Graham) aligned himself with the Democrats over the bogus “Russia Hacking” story.
  • John McCain joined the brainless libtard assholes to attack the Washington Redskins over their name.
  • John McCain was even officially censured by Maricopa County Arizona for being a fake conservative.

Sen. John McCain’s (R., Ariz.) interview on CNN ended on a poignant note Sunday, as he told Jake Tapper he hoped to be remembered by the American people as someone who served his country with honor.

McCain is battling an aggressive brain cancer called glioblastoma, which was discovered in July while the 80-year-old had surgery for a blood clot above his left eye.

“I hope this is not our last interview,” Tapper said.

“A lot of people want it to be the last,” McCain quipped.

The two men chuckled, before Tapper asked his last question of the interview: “How do you want the American people to remember you?”

“He served his country,” McCain said. “And not always right, made a lot of mistakes. Made a lot of errors. But served his country, and I hope you could add honorably.”

“I think that we can say honorably,” Tapper said.

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