Has-Been Jennifer Aniston’s Remaining Idiot Friends Should Demand Her Latest Tests For Drugs & Infectious Diseases

So, Jennifer Aniston is cutting off “friends” who don’t get the experimental fake “vaccine” that isn’t fully approved by the FDA, and has been proven over and over to not stop the spread of the China Virus? What a dumb-ass! And I used to think that Anniston was the sane X of Brad Pitt… Boy was I wrong!

Has-Been Jennifer Aniston's Remaining Idiot Friends Should Demand Her Latest Tests For Drugs & Infectious Diseases

Has-Been Jennifer Aniston’s Remaining Idiot Friends Should Demand Her Latest Tests For Drugs & Infectious Diseases

The current “vaccines” that we have available have only received “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) and not full FDA approval, which means that the “vaccines” have not been fully tested, and anyone who takes the so-called “vaccine” are offering themselves up to be Human Guinnea Pigs (and cash cows) in a worldwide experiment, and pawns in a huge money/power grab.

Once the experimental fake China Virus “vaccine” has passed all of the tests and is fully approved by the FDA, maybe then I will feel differently about taking the fake vaccine, but not until. Anyone pushing you to be injected with this unapproved fake vaccine are not your friend in the first place.

The EUAs for both the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna mRNA experimental injections and any other EUA vaccine require fact sheets to be given to vaccination providers and recipients. These fact sheets make clear that getting the vaccine is optional. For example, the one for recipients states, “It is your choice to receive or not receive the COVID-19 vaccine,” and if “you decide to not receive it, it will not change your standard of medical care.”

If I were one of Jennifer Aniston’s remaining friends, I would ask for the results of Jennifer Aniston’s tests that prove that she isn’t carrying HIV, Hepatitis A or B, or any other infectious diseases, and then I would ask to see her latest toxicology report showing that she isn’t a drug user.

While you’re at it, you probably don’t want to be friends with many stupid people either, so you might as well ask for Aniston’s IQ test as well. My guess (and this is just a guess) is that Jennifer Anniston probably has some funky shit that I definitely don’t want to catch, and I’m sure you will be disappointed with the level of smarts in the pea-brain of Jennifer Aniston.

Only after Aniston proves that she isn’t mentally retarded, doesn’t have any contagious or infectious communicable diseases or STD’s, and isn’t a drug abuser, should these remaining friends continue to offer their friendship to such a worthless piece of shit fake friend like Jennifer Aniston.

People already struggled to make and hang onto friends before the pandemic, but there are some out there determined to make the problem worse.

One-fifth of the population admitted in a recent survey that they intentionally cut off or stopped talking to friends due to disagreements about coronavirus-related issues. Of those who lost friends, 24% were Democrats, 15% were Republicans, and 18% were independents. Twenty-two percent were male, and 19% were female.

Interestingly, respondents were more likely to say they had lost a friendship because of differing opinions if they made more than $80,000 per year. But that shouldn’t come as much of a surprise: Upper-class people have always been less social and less connected to their community than others because they’re less likely to depend on neighbors and family members for basic services, such as babysitting.

Choosing to cut ties with someone because he thinks differently about the coronavirus, however, is a problem that goes way beyond social isolation. Abandoning a friendship is a deliberate choice, one that reflects a deep intolerance for others who believe differently and an insecurity that the person’s beliefs might challenge your own.

Holing ourselves up in ideological bubbles isn’t healthy; it’s sad. Take, for example, actress Jennifer Aniston, who revealed last week that she severed multiple friendships with people who weren’t vaccinated against the coronavirus.

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinion — but a lot of opinions don’t feel based in anything except fear or propaganda,” she said . “I’ve just lost a few people in my weekly routine who have refused or did not disclose [whether or not they had been vaccinated], and it was unfortunate.”

Here’s the thing: If you are willing to cut off a friend just because he or she thinks differently about political or health-related issues, you probably didn’t value that friend in the first place. And that says a lot more about Aniston and the other 25% who lost friends than it does about anyone else.

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