Inspector General Michael Horowitz Referred Criminal Douche Comey For Prosecution – Passed Over By Inept ‘Justice Department’

Inspector General Michael Horowitz Referred Criminal Douche Comey For Prosecution - Passed Over By Inept 'Justice Department'So… Now we learn how FBI criminal douchebag James Comey actually WAS referred for prosecution by Inspector General Michael Horowitz, but our inept so-called “Justice Department” refused to hold Comey accountable for his crimes – leading to Comey spiking the ball while basically celebrating his freedom – for now..

So, Comey got away with some of his illegal leaks to the media, but I do have more faith now, than I did last week, that FBI criminal James Comey WILL eventually be held accountable for SOME of his other many crimes.

One day soon, I feel that James Comey will finally be made to pay for his crimes, and spend many years behind bars in prison.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz said Wednesday that he referred former FBI Director James Comey for criminal prosecution earlier this year after concluding he leaked sensitive materials to a friend.

“We are required by the [Inspector General] Act to send information that we’ve identified that could plausibly be criminal to the Department of Justice,” said Mr. Horowitz, confirming what amounted to a criminal referral.

The Justice Department ultimately decided not to prosecute Mr. Comey despite the conclusion by Mr. Horowitz’s team that he improperly leaked information to the news media. The documents leaked by Mr. Comey were sensitive but not classified.

Mr. Comey in May 2017 asked a law professor friend to share with The New York Times a memo detailing his conversations with President Trump to pressure the Justice Department to open an investigation of the president.

In a report released last month, Mr. Horowitz wrote that the former FBI director “set a dangerous example” when he shared the memos to push the Justice Department to act.

Testifying before the House Oversight and Reform Committee, the Justice Department watchdog said Mr. Comey’s behavior was concerning.

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