Inept & Corrupt US Government Leftists Continue to Allow China & Others to Steal Top Secret US Military Secrets

Yea, I’m completely convinced that the US Government is run by corrupt and inept dumbfuck leftists, who either don’t care that foreign governments are allowed to hack into government servers and steal top secret data, including plans to our most deadly military weapons and hardware, or they are actually helping the foreigners gain access to our servers.

Inept & Corrupt US Government Leftists Continue to Allow China & Others to Steal Top Secret US Military Secrets

Why the fuck would our most sensitive and top secret information be up on servers that can apparently very easily hacked and breached by foreign governments, from which America’s top secret information can be stolen, and then used against us.

We have all known for years and years that the Chinese, and others, have been stealing everything they can from our government and private companies, but NOW they want to do a review of America’s cyber vulnerability???? Yea, right… DUMB FUCKS!!!!!

The Democrats want to destroy the constitution and open our borders to violent terrorists and criminals, so it is apparent that we cannot trust the Democrats running our government to do the right thing when it comes to protecting America. And now we have this..

Personally, I wouldn’t put it past the Socialist cock suckers in the Democrat party – who would love nothing more than to see America knocked down as low as we can go – to be the ones who are actively helping China and other governments gain access to our top secret government data.

Chinese hackers are breaching Navy contractors to steal everything from ship-maintenance data to missile plans, officials and experts said, triggering a top-to-bottom review of cyber vulnerabilities.

A series of incidents in the past 18 months has pointed out the service’s weaknesses, highlighting what some officials have described as some of the most debilitating cyber campaigns linked to Beijing.

Cyberattacks affect all branches of the armed forces but contractors for the Navy and the Air Force are viewed as choice targets for hackers seeking advanced military technology, officials said.

Navy contractors have suffered especially troubling breaches over the past year, one U.S. official said.

The data allegedly stolen from Navy contractors and subcontractors often is highly sensitive, classified information about advanced military technology, according to U.S. officials and security researchers. The victims have included large contractors as well as small ones, some of which are seen as lacking the resources to invest in securing their networks.

One major breach of a Navy contractor, reported in June, involved the theft of secret plans to build a supersonic anti-ship missile planned for use by American submarines, according to officials. The hackers targeted an unidentified company under contract with the Navy’s Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Newport, R.I.

The hackers have also targeted universities with military research labs that develop advanced technology for use by the Navy or other service branches, according to analysis conducted by cyber firms as well as people familiar with the matter.

Navy Secretary Richard Spencer has ordered a review to examine his service branch’s cybersecurity weaknesses that would give adversaries access to critical information.

A highly classified initial assessment of the problem that was provided to Mr. Spencer in recent days validates concerns and lays the groundwork for response by the Navy, officials said.

Navy officials declined to say how many attacks had taken place during the 18-month period except to say that there were “more than a handful,” calling the breaches troubling and unacceptable.

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