Anyone who thinks that they are informed about anything by reading posts on the fake news social media sites, you probably don’t have a job or a life because you are dumb as fucking shit!
It doesn’t matter who you are. If you believe the wall-to-wall lies found on most social media sites, like Facebook or Twitter, who are truly enemies of America, you have the IQ of a wet paper bag, and you should sterilize yourself so that you don’t produce any babies. (the babies would probably be murdered anyway, so no biggie)
That doesn’t at all mean that you are somehow smarter if you use Google to find your news. You aren’t. Google is at or near the very top of the “Enemies of the People” list, and 99% of the bullshit you find on Google is just curated, approved and promoted fake news – nothing more.
If you did want to find he truth on Google, do your search and then skip to page 20 of the results, and you might find SOMETHING that resembles the truth. Google works with the criminal democrats to hide the truth from the world, and Google appears to actively push honest and truthful information farther and farther deep down in the search results to hide the truth where nobody will ever see it.
We are officially in the “Post Truth” era, thanks to lies promoted by, and truth hidden by, these criminal democrats and the social media enemies they control.
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