FOX Move to Left Is Sly Attempt to Put Final Nail in CNN MSNBC Coffin, Steal Viewers While Weakened

I haven’t heard anyone else talk about this, but I think that the sharp move to the left side of the isle is an attempt to completely wipe out CNN and MSNBC while they are already weakened.

FOX Move to Left Is Sly Attempt to Put Final Nail in CNN MSNBC Coffin, Steal Viewers While Weakened

CNN and MSNBC have seen their viewership drop by about half after their viewers realized that these Fake News Networks have been lying to them 24 hours a day for years, if not decades.

FOX obviously senses the blood in the water, as CNN and MSNBC flounder at the bottom of the barrel, and are going in for the death blow by making a move to the left and stealing the remainder of the viewers of these fake news outlets.

I don’t really like the fact that FOX is hiring disgusting & corrupt leftist douchebags like Donna Brazile, but we do think it’s a brilliant tact, if what we think is true.

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