Red Sox are cheaters – it’s a proven fact – and is also probably why fatass dumbfuck loser, former Red Sox player David Ortiz, is now attacking David Fiers as a “snitch”, because Ortiz doesn’t want people talking publicly about the shocking amount of cheating in Major League Baseball, which may just lead back to him.

Fatass Dumbfuck David Ortiz Attacks Mike Fiers – Thinks MLB Cheating Should Have Been Allowed to Continue
The Boston Red Sox stole the 2013 World Series from St Louis by cheating – Red Sox pitcher Jon Lester was even caught cheating with a foreign substance in his glove, but that was swept under the rug as well.
Review Shows Red Sox Pitcher Jon Lester Cheated in Game 1 of World Series
Cheating Red Sox Busted Stealing Signs From Other Major League Baseball Teams Using Apple Watch
Mike Fiers should be congratulated and celebrated for having the morals and balls that none of the other players involved have – to call out horrible cheating that stole at least one World Series, and cost many players a lot of money – or even the loss of their jobs.
But dumbfuck Ortiz apparently thinks that the Houston Astros cheating should have just been kept quiet, swept under the rug, and allowed to continue. – just like the cheating of the Red Sox players.
David Ortiz ripped Oakland Athletics pitcher Mike Fiers on Thursday, saying he looked like a “snitch” for blowing the whistle on the Houston Astros’ sign-stealing scheme late last year.
The former Boston Red Sox great made the remarks at the team’s spring training facility in Florida. He said Fiers should have said something during the 2017 season when he and the Astros won the World Series instead of waiting until he was off the team.
“I’m mad at this guy, the pitcher who came out talking about it,” Ortiz said, according to ESPN. “And let me tell you why. Oh, after you make your money, after you get your ring, you decide to talk about it. Why don’t you talk about it during the season when it was going on? Why didn’t you say, ‘I don’t want to be no part of it?’ So you look like you’re a snitch. Why you gotta talk about it after? That’s my problem. Why nobody said anything while it was going on?”
Ortiz was also bewildered by the fact that no one came out about the sign-stealing scheme before Fiers talked to The Athletic.
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