Fake “Vaccine” Pushers In The Media Need to Be Investigated For Collusion With Big Pharma!

How many of the fake news talking heads were paid to push fake vaccines on the world? I would bet just about anything that each of the idiots pushing deadly fake “vaccines” are paid by pharmacy companies for pushing death on the world over, and over, and over.

There needs to be a full investigation into the fake news liars, and their connections to Pfizer, and other pharmaceutical companies, because there is a very high likelihood that these media liars took money to push their deadly lies, which helped murder millions of people around the world.

Remember the media smear campaign against the wise AKA the unvaccinated during Covid?
I’m just savoring the sight of all of their bullshit blowing back in their faces with all the vaccine related injuries and deaths and vaccine producers admitting fault.

The next pandemic is going to be more intense in every way.
They learned from their mistakes during the first operation.

Have alternative forms of income for when they come for your jobs again and remember, Food, Firearms, Fuel.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org