Dr Death, Anthony Fauci, the world’s worst mass murderer, and his democrat co-conspirators are getting ready to release their next intentional pre-made pandemic on the world to start more fear and lockdowns right in time for President Trump’s next administration. I don’t trust these murderers not to release a more deadly virus this time, because they are evil and will happily murder millions of people to get what they want.
Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, and Dr. Wu are all back just in time for Trump's inauguration.
Bird flu lockdowns coming? pic.twitter.com/W1qkPh26jr
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) December 29, 2024
Dear Bill Gates, Fauci & Tedros & Legacy Media
No-one is falling for your shit anymore – it’s over. pic.twitter.com/ngBZnJGS74
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) December 30, 2024
ARREST Dr. Fauci. pic.twitter.com/U5R7KGRlFU
— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) December 29, 2024
PROSECUTE JAIL AND EXECUTE DR DEATH FAUCI NOW!! I’ve heard people saying shit like “Why would anyone be soo heartless as to want an 80+ year old man, like Fauci, to sit in a prison cell for the rest of his life?” and my answer to that is that, Fauci, being given even one more free day on Earth is a crime in itself, every breath Fauci takes is a slap in the face to hundreds of millions of people negatively affected by Fauci’s faulty fake COVID “vaccine”, and it is high time that criminals and mass murderers, who are responsible for many millions of deaths in America and around the world, start to pay for their heinous crimes against humanity!
Senator Ron Johnson puts the EVIL Dr. Fauci on notice…and states that ACCOUNTABILITY is coming.
“I’m putting you on notice. We have emails from other sources…so you better not destroy records…I want Fauci fully exposed.” pic.twitter.com/IS5wIOxNBu
— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) December 30, 2024
There was a collusion. There was an election interference the likes of which humanity has never seen before,
The U.S. Communist Democrat Party colluded with the Chinese Communist Party. pic.twitter.com/wRIplJXfFz
— Johnny Midnight
(@its_The_Dr) December 30, 2024
Covid was planned years in advance – how do we know this?
They told us. pic.twitter.com/gFOcWocLy7
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) December 29, 2024
The Bill Gates Foundation, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Health Organization (WHO), ran a simulation called "Catastrophic Contagion", imagining a deadly pandemic in 2025.
This time, the outbreak, caused by an enterovirus called… pic.twitter.com/IOg5JPB6qR
— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) December 29, 2024
“I don't look into Fauci's head. I don't look into Bill Gates head…I lay out what they did…and the story speaks for itself. It’s a story of people involved in really terrible, terrible, immoral, homicidal and criminal behaviour…” -RFK Jr. pic.twitter.com/odUqCbyZUb
— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) December 28, 2024
Nuremberg Trials NOW.
“The mRNA injections may have killed 17M+ people around the World. There is nothing safe and effective about it. When they say it ‘saved lives’’…that’s a blatant lie…” -German MP Christine Anderson. pic.twitter.com/0d8PKxyNFL
— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) December 29, 2024
Correct. pic.twitter.com/wNkhckps6x
— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) December 30, 2024
Where could these new bird flu mutations be coming from?
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was funding “an airborne strain of an avian flu with an estimated 60% fatality rate.”
“Last year, a US government review panel quietly approved experiments proposed by 2 labs that were previously considered so dangerous that federal officials had imposed an unusual top down moratorium on such research. And one of the labs that got greenlit was led by a guy named Ron Fauciara at Erasmus University Medical Center.
Well, guess what I found? The Erasmus Medical Center partners with the EcoHealth Alliance, a virus hunting project that worked closely with the WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY”
“in 2011, he garnered worldwide notoriety when he generated an airborne strain of an avian flu with an estimated 60% fatality rate. And guess who funded that study? THE BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION”
“I dug up this Science Magazine article from 2019, and they were reporting that controversial experiments that could make bird flu more risky were poised to resume. Quote, controversial lab studies that modified bird flu viruses in ways that could make them more risky to humans will soon resume”
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org