A teacher at Harold McCormick Elementary School printed out a very disgusting Nation of Islam propaganda sheet and had it available for 8 year old students to be subjected to, and now the 8 year old student whistle-blower is apparently being abused at the school for shedding light on Harold McCormick Elementary School’s anti-American teachings.

Disgusting Nation of Islam Printout Found By 8 Yr Old In Harold McCormick Elementary School Classroom
It’s also unbelievable that the school district would attack the 8 year old boy, making him out to be a liar who took something that was not his, without permission. Complete bullshit!
“The student (without permission) took the sheet from a “ton” of discarded teacher’s material on that table; then, the student took it home and gave it to the parent,” – Elizabethton Superintendent E.C. Alexander
The Nation of Islam propaganda sheet comparing our Founding Fathers on Mount Rushmore to racists was said to have been on a secondary table next to the teacher’s desk, and that the page was printed out my mistake, and taken . The problem for these lying liberal assholes is that more students of Harold McCormick Elementary School are coming out saying that they received the anti-American handout as well.
This seems to be the same lame lie of an excuse that Democrats and liberals use every time they are caught red-handed doing something they shouldn’t be doing.
The anti-American Harold McCormick Elementary School teacher apparently DID hand out the disgusting printout to the class of kids, and then told them ‘These do not go home. These are just to use here’
Also, usually when you print something, you’ll see what you are printing before the page is actually printed. Also, if a GOOD and DECENT teacher would have printed out the garbage that this probable terrorist sympathizing Harold McCormick Elementary School teacher printed out, it would have immediately been thrown in the trash.

Disgusting Nation of Islam Printout Found By 8 Yr Old In Harold McCormick Elementary School Classroom
The Harold McCormick Elementary School employs some liberal scumbag teachers who continually try to infect and brainwash the kids in the school with their liberal/communist disease of thought. Once caught, these liberal scumbags lie, and say anything they need to in order to squirm out of taking responsibility, and being held accountable for their actions.
Harold McCormick Elementary School seems to be keeping the teacher’s name a secret, but whoever the piece of shit so-called “teacher” is, the piece of crap terrorist sympathizers at Harold McCormick Elementary School need to be fired, and should never be allowed to teach impressionable kids ever again.
Contact the Harold McCormick Elementary School and tell them what you think!
Harold McCormick Elementary School
226 S Cedar Ave, Elizabethton, TN 37643
(423) 547-8020
Controversy is brewing over why an 8-year-old student found a Nation of Islam printout on his teacher’s desk.
Monday, a Fox News report by Todd Starnes revealed a Tennessee elementary school student brought home a printout he found on his teacher’s desk. It contained a picture of Mount Rushmore and some commentary about each president. It was entitled: “What Does it Take to Be On Mount Rushmore?”
The printout asserts that George Washington “enslaved 350 Africans” and hailed from Virginia, “the prime breeder of Black people for the domestic slave trade.” It said Thomas Jefferson “enslaved 200 Africans” and said Indians “will relapse into barbarism and misery.” Theodore Roosevelt is said to have believed that Africans were “ape-like, naked savages.” It also included Abraham Lincoln’s famous quote about having “no inclination” to interfere with the institution of slavery.
But what truly shocked this child’s parent was following the web address at the bottom of the printout: www.noirg.org. That lead her to the Nation of Islam Research Group website.
Starnes interviewed the mother, who said, “It raised a number of red flags. They are basically saying our Founding Fathers are racists.”
The mother then told Starnes that in the initial confrontation, the teacher said she did not “recall” the exact paper in question. Only later did she admit having it, but said she didn’t like the contents and “must have printed it by mistake.” The teacher indicated that the boy was not supposed to take the printout.
Starnes’s report states that the mother then went to the principal, who agreed to investigate “how Nation of Islam material ended up in her son’s third grade classroom.”
Elizabethton City Schools Superintendent Ed Alexander sent out an “accurate clarification” letter to administrators, principals, and teachers regarding Starnes’s report. Alexander said Fox News was being “sensational” and accused them of defaming his school system, “possibly permanently.”
Here is his entire letter:
In response to yesterday’s coverage by Fox News of an occurrence involving a sheet of paper taken home by a third-grade student at Harold McCormick Elementary School, the following is an accurate clarification: First, when this circumstance was first brought to my attention yesterday afternoon in a phone message, I immediately called the school Principal and obtained the details. I then call the individual at Fox back and relayed the specific information I had just gotten. The Principal quickly had done a thorough investigation and found the following (all of which was given to Fox News, prior to his national news report): 1) the sheet in question was not a hand-out sheet distributed to the students; 2) the sheet had been generated from internet information (on Mount Rushmore for a classroom history lesson) for the purpose of providing background material for a teacher observation; 3) the location of the sheet was on a separate teacher table adjacent to the teacher’s desk; 4) the student (without permission) took the sheet from a “ton” of discarded teacher’s material on that table; then, the student took it home and gave it to the parent.
I was able late yesterday afternoon to obtain the sheet (via fax) and saw why it was, in fact, discarded by the teacher as material to utilize in her presentation. Now, the thought that we as public educators would deliberately distribute such material is absolutely absurd! What was reported (which had been rebutted prior to the airing) was misleading and totally incorrect. I can only think it was shown for its sensational effect. Sadly, regardless of any follow-up report, our System has been defamed (possibly permanently). Should you need more information or if you have questions, please call or e-mail me.
Starnes defended his article saying, “I do believe the good people of Elizabethton deserve to know how and why a handout from the Nation of Islam ended up on school property.”
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org