The stupid fuckers running McDonald’s have shot their dick off with a disgusting tweet attacking President Trump, calling our President “disgusting” and re-hashing Marco Rubio’s claims that President Trump’s hands are small – meaning to infer that President Trump has a small dick.
‘@realDonaldTrump You are actually a disgusting excuse of a president and we would love to have @BarackObama back, also you have tony hands.’
I’ll tell you who really has the small dick in this story, and that is the people at McDonald’s, who were bold enough to attack President Trump from behind their keyboard, but once the shit started hitting the fan, the nutless McDonald’s pussies did what all libtard assholes do when busted tweeting stupid shit, and claimed that someone hacked the McDonlald’s Twitter account – but we all know that McDonald’s excuse is complete bullshit.
‘Twitter notified us that our account was compromised. We deleted the tweet, secured our account and are now investigating this,’
Personally, I haven’t eaten at McDonald’s in years because their food is disgusting, and is probably horrible for your body, but all Conservatives, good Americans, and anyone else who respects the office of the U.S. President need to boycott the fuck out of McDonald’s until they change their libtard ways!
President Donald Trump was attacked on Twitter early Thursday by the world’s second largest fast food chain.
McDonald’s, who has over 2billion served and 150,000 Twitter followers, posted a message on their account that read: ‘@realDonaldTrump You are actually a disgusting excuse of a president and we would love to have @BarackObama back, also you have tony hands.’
The posting was removed an hour after it went up on the account, and the company later addressed the offensive tweet in a tweet.
‘Twitter notified us that our account was compromised. We deleted the tweet, secured our account and are now investigating this,’ read a message posted to the McDonald’s Twitter page 86 minutes after the attack tweet was posted to the account.
McDonald’s has not however offered any sort of public apology to President Trump, who is a big fan of the fast food chain and just last year provided the company with one of the best pieces of free press they have received in their history.
On June 7, when President Trump achieved the 1237 delegates necessary to win the Republican primary, he celebrated his victory by posting a photo of himself on his private plane eating a McDonald’s Big Mac and fries, with the golden arches of the company’s logo clearly visible on the packaging.
That photo was viewed by millions around the world in the days that followed and included in most stories about President Trump’s once unimaginable win over the 16 other men and women who entered the primary.
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