Disgusting Cum Bucket Chelsea Handler Says She Will Screw 50 Cent If He Stops Supporting President Trump

Putridly-disgusting ultra skank Chelsea Handler says that 50 Cent can’t support President Trump because he is black. First of all, nobody wants to touch vile crusty cum-bucket Chelsea Handler, and Chelsea Handler offering sex for anything is sure to get the opposite result that she was hoping for.

“I had to remind him [50 Cent] that he is a black person.. So he can’t vote for Donald Trump.”

Chelsea Handler has to be one of the most repugnant people on the face of the Earth, and anyone who actually sticks their dick inside that skank needs to have their head examined. They probably need psychological help as well.

The truth that the democrats and their fake news liars don’t want you to know is that MANY black people, including many black celebrities, have now completely left the democrat plantation where they have been willful slaves to the democrats since forced slavery was abolished in 1865 by the Republican Party and Republican President Abraham Lincoln, and black voters will join to complete the historic landslide coming for President Trump in November.

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