Democrats Scramble to Try and Push Fake Conservative Loser Paul Ryan Into House Speakership Role

The Democrats are scrambling to try and find a way to get the Open Borders, fake Conservative, Paul Ryan, into the House speakership role, because Democrats know that Paul Ryan will pretty much rubber stamp anything that Obama and the Democrat Culture of Corruption wants to ram down our throats.

Whether the Democrats want to raise taxes, pass an Open Borders policy, give amnesty to 30 million illegal immigrants, allow partial-birth abortions that the Democrats love so much, and take away legally-owned firearms from law-abiding Americans, Paul Ryan is the man who will help the Democrats destroy America.

If corrupt and brainless libtard liars, like Harry Reid and the Democrats, want Paul Ryan as House speaker, then that is a definite red flag that should tell all good conservatives to do everything they can to prevent Paul Ryan from taking the House speakership role.


Harry Reid just gave Paul Ryan an unwelcome endorsement for speaker.

The Democratic leader offered his surprise backing for Ryan (R-Wis.) to assume the House speakership, saying he hopes Ryan runs and wins the job because he’s a “Paul Ryan fan.”

“He appears to me to be one of the people over there that would be reasonable. I mean look at some of the other people,” Reid said. “I don’t agree with him on much of what he does. I think what he’s done with Medicare and Medicaid, what he’s wanted to do I disagree with. But generally speaking we’ve been able to work with him.”

Indeed, Ryan’s work with Reid lieutenant Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) on a two-year budget deal in 2013 remains a bipartisan highlight for a Congress otherwise beset by gridlock. But did Reid hurt Ryan by praising him?

The Nevada Democrat shrugged when asked if he was giving Ryan a kiss of death as the Wisconsin lawmaker weighs a speakers bid amid ever-growing criticism from the right for his policy positions. (Later Tuesday, Ryan said he would serve as speaker if the caucus unites behind him.)

“I just speak the truth,” Reid said. “If it helps him fine, if it doesn’t that’s too bad.”

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