No wonder why CNN has completely ignored the latest scandal surrounding Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Pakistani DNC IT criminals, including Imran Awan.

Democrat IT Criminal Imran Awan Also Writes Articles For CNN – No Wonder Why CNN Ignoring Awan / Wasserman Schultz Scandal
Here is a screenshot of an article entitled “Opinion: ‘The Muslims are coming!’ Why Islamophobia is so dangerous“, which Democrat IT criminal Imran Awan wrote for CNN. The article will probably be taken down very soon, or at least as soon as CNN realizes that their secret is out.
The DNS IT criminal, Imran Awan, who was just arrested while trying to flee the United States, in fear of being arrested, also writes articles for Very Fake News CNN.
CNN obviously doesn’t want anyone to know that they also paid the Democrat criminal, and will not even speak about the scandal on air, though we are sure their people discuss it all the time off-air.
The cat is out of the bag now though, and it isn’t going back in, so everyone will soon see how corrupt and wrong CNN is, and how CNN will blatantly lie (outright and by omission) to protect CNN from the corrupt and stupid libtards running the network, and the criminals they employ.
So, now anytime someone in the media wants to write about the DNC criminal Imran Awan, they should describe Awan as “Democrat IT Staffer and CNN Columnist Imran Awan”
Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Imran Awan should be investigated and forced to testify under oath about the Democrat IT / Hacking Scandal!
Aside from the obvious reasons why the media is ignoring the arrest of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz IT aide, Imran Awan, there is yet another reason for them to ignore. Turns out the Muslim who was trying to flee to Pakistan and was arrested at Dulles International Airport and charged with bank fraud wrote for CNN! What a shocker there! Knock me over with a feather.
This is of course assuming this Imran Awan is the same guy arrested today. I don’t know if someone else with the same name, just coincidentally wrote the article.
We’ll see if CNN has anything to say. If they deny this is the same Imran Awan who was arrested today, then maybe it’s a different person. If they remain silent on the matter, which they have done so far, then it probably is the guy arrested at Dulles.
Imran Awan is also a writer for CNN!
In an article dated December 3, 2014, Imran Awan entitled his article: “Opinion: ‘The Muslims are coming!’ Why Islamophobia is so dangerous“.
Being arrested for bank fraud and being banned from using the House’s government computers since February have nothing to do with Islamophobia and everything to do with corruption. Trying to flee the country before you get arrested for bank fraud has nothing to do with Islamophobia.
This is of course just the beginning of the story with Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the Clinton Crime Family. I wonder what else is out there from the media written up by Awan. Why the hell did CNN hire a Democrat IT aide to write an article on Islamophobia? Weren’t there enough enough Iman’s they could chose from the write their propaganda article? What exactly did CNN pay this guy who write a propaganda article on Islam?
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