HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Delusional lying CNN hack Jake Tapper says that he doesn’t don’t know anybody at CNN who got anything wrong while CNN ganged up with the Democrats to smear President Trump in the first real presidential coup attempt in the history of our nation. What exactly has CNN gotten right? Zilch!
WOW! You have to be pretty dumb to keep holding on to your disproven lies – especially when anyone with half a brain should be able to see the writing on the wall – which is that the years of Fake News is OVER.
In the very near future EVERYTHING is going to come out – all of the emails, text messages, FISA Applications, all of the 302s – EVERYTHING that will show that the entire Mueller Investigation was part of a treasonous coup attempt by the Democrats, with the help of a weaponized Justice Department and the fake news media, including CNN, MSNBC, New York Times and Washington Post, among many others, to remove the President of the United States from office.
CNN’s viewers will soon know that everything that CNN told them over the past 2+ years has been nothing but lies, and CNN’s ratings will continue to drop like a rock, as has already started to happen.
CNN’s lies didn’t start when President Trump was elected – no, CNN has been peddling leftist lies, and depressing conservative ideas for many years.
CNN has actually been wall-to-wall lies for the past 10+ years, and if you are looking to compile a list of people at CNN who got something right over the past 2+ years, it would be quick and easy – because there’s nobody at CNN who isn’t a lying piece of trash who isn’t also complicit with the DNC, FBI, CIA, DOJ in the attempted illegal takeover of our government.
The truth that Jake Tapper, and the rest of the lying hacks at CNN, are fighting to sweep under the rug is that CNN has lost ALL credibility with the American People. The only people who watch CNN are the brainless Trump Derangement Syndrome inflicted losers who can’t get enough fake news to satisfy their sickness.
The CNN tools are saying that their sudden nosedive in ratings, immediately after the Mueller Report vindicating President Trump, was due to a slow news week – when in fact it was an action-packed week of news – just news negative to Democrats – so it’s not anything that the liars at CNN would ever tell their viewers about, which means that CNN is working off a truncated pool of stories.
So, it very well may have been a slow week at CNN, because CNN ignores all stories that don’t make the Democrat’s shit smell like roses – and all of the news this past week are stories that the Democrats don’t want their voters to know about because it would reveal CNN and the Democrats as corrupt, lying, conniving, criminals, who will do ANYTHING to get President Trump out of office – no matter how illegal and wrong.
CNN and Jake Tapper haven’t gotten anything right in many years. Good thing, at least this once once, Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney was there at CNN to set stupid leftist hack Jake Tapper straight.
This is unreal! Jake Tapper, the fake news king at CNN said on Sunday that his network didn’t get anything wrong in their 3 years of Russiagate reporting despite the fact that CNN was forced to make several embarrassing corrections and retractions on their Trump-Russia stories.
“I’m not sure what you’re saying the media got wrong. The media reported the investigation was going on. Other than the people in the media on the left, not on this network, I don’t know anybody that got anything wrong,” Jake Tapper said to Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney on Sunday.
“We didn’t say there was a conspiracy. We said Mueller was investigating a conspiracy,” Tapper added.
“That’s fine, if that’s your recollection of history, that’s great. Face it, the media got this wrong. It’s okay. People get stuff wrong all the time, just not at this level,” Mulvaney said.
Jake Tapper can deny all he wants, but here are the cold, hard facts:
CNN fired three journalists (forced them to resign), including the executive editor in charge of a new investigative unit in June of 2017 after a publication of a fake news Russia article.
The story, which reported that Congress was investigating a “Russian investment fund with ties to Trump officials,” cited a single anonymous source.
CNN falsely reported in December of 2017 that Donald Trump Jr. had received an email on September 4, 2016 with information about WikiLeaks that was not available to the public yet — that turned out to be a HUGE LIE. CNN’s ‘sources’ gave them the wrong date. It turns out that Donald Trump Jr. received the email on September 14, 2016 which was one day after the WikiLeaks information was already made public.
CNN’s Gloria Borger and Jake Tapper also falsely reported in June of 2017 that James Comey would dispute President Trump’s claims that Comey told him he was not under FBI investigation — that turned out to be a HUGE LIE — CNN was forced to make an embarrassing correction.
A recent bungled Trump-Russia story on CNN involved none other than sewer-dwelling Clinton-fixer-turned-Michael Cohen’s-lawyer, Lanny Davis.
In August, Michael Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis admitted he lied to the media when he claimed he confirmed a CNN report with anonymous sources about President Trump’s foreknowledge of the infamous Trump Tower meeting in June of 2016.
In July, CNN rolled out another story using anonymous sources wherein they reported Michael Cohen claimed Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with Veselnitskaya in advance.
This dumpster fire of an article was published just a couple weeks after Cohen hired Lanny Davis to be his lawyer.
CNN was giddy to report that Cohen’s information contradicted Don Jr.’s previous testimony to the Senate Intel Panel and repeated denials his father knew about the meeting — the story turned out to be false.
As usual, CNN was reporting fake news and curiously Lanny Davis himself confirmed to being one of the anonymous sources at the time it was published
But no one at CNN got anything wrong about the Trump-Russia collusion hoax according to Jake Tapper
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