Degenerate DNC Song Goes Viral – ‘I Got Dicked-Down At The DNC’

The democrats have two sick degenerates singing a song named “Dicked Down AT The DNC”, and it’s one of the weirdest things I have seen in a long time – and with all of the democrat weirdos we’re seeing, that crown is hard to get!

Listen to the great lyrics of their song “Dicked Down At The DNC” and try to hold your puke.
Just for reference, being “dicked-Down” means that you were fucked, sexually, and the term is used a lot by gay men.

“Much more happens at the DNC than what people see. Whoo-oh-oh
And I just can’t believe this happened to me, at the DNC. Whoo-oh-oh
I got.. Dicked down at the DNC. Whoo-oh-oh
I got.. Dicked down at the DNC. Yea, Whoo-oh-oh, Yeawa”

Honestly, the democrats are the party of Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, and other sickos, so the lyrics of that tune fit perfectly. Someone who can’t believe that they got raped at the DNC must not be paying attention to history of democrats and their accepted sexual predators.

And you wonder why gays have a problem with Monkeypox?? At least the Planned Parenthood baby-murder van parked outside the DNC makes a lot more sense now.. hahaha!!

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