Creeptastic Dumb Ass Joe Biden Can’t Get Out of His Own Way While Campaigning

Damn, Creepy Grandpa Groper Joe Biden is fucking stupid!!! How many times can he shoot off his own dick with the idiotic and many times incoherent things that come out of his mouth – like diarrhea – and yet he keeps right on going?

Creeptastic Dumb Ass Joe Biden Can’t Get Out of His Own Way While Campaigning

This time, Joe Biden completely killed any support he might have had from disallutioned conservatives after telling the word that he wants to take away the legally-owned guns of Americans, and vows to “take down” and destroy all gun manufacturers and the NRA.

“I’ve got news for you gun manufacturers. I’m coming for you and I’m going to take you down.” – Creepy Grandpa Groper Joe Biden

I’ve never seen someone who pretends as much as Joe Biden to be a smart person, while in fact he is a bumbling senile idiot who can’t put 5 words together in a lucid thought.

During a Monday night speech in South Carolina, Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden referenced gun manufacturers and said, “I’m going to take you down.”

He made this statement after referencing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (2005). The PLCAA is designed to shield gun manufacturers from lawsuits in scenarios where the guns in question were legally made and legally sold.

Biden has repeatedly criticized the existence of that law on the campaign trail, most recently in Las Vegas on February 19, and in New Hampshire earlier in the month.

Breitbart News reported Biden’s New Hampshire comments, where he said it was a “mistake” to give “gun manufacturers … a loophole that does not allow them to be sued for the carnage they are creating.”

He added, “The first thing I’m going to do as president is work to get rid of that, and it’s going to be hard.”

Biden went even further during his February 24, 2020, South Carolina speech, saying, “I’ve got news for you gun manufacturers. I’m coming for you and I’m going to take you down.”

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