Crazy Fat Democrat Trans Clown In Satanistic Texas Fake ‘Church’ Threatens To Kill Trump Supporters As Evil Parishioners Agree

Listen to this nasty tub-o-goo trans man, dressed as a circus clown, threaten to kill Trump supporters while a guest at a Satanistic “Church” in Dallas, and the evil parishioners hoot, clap and laugh at the thought of murdering people who support President Trump. Then the fatass nutjob even makes fun of Abbott’s handicap that keeps him in a wheelchair, saying that he wanted to have a fight with him, but Abbot wouldn’t stand up to fight him. I can’t wait for the upcoming story about this piece of shit getting his ass kicked in the street!

We are digging to find the name of the Satanistic Texas “church”, and will post it when we find it.

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