Crazy & disgusting libtard skank Katy Perry’s career hasn’t been doing very well since outting herself as an unhinged libtard bitchbag with huge mental & emotional problems.
Katy Perry’s career is in such a steep nosedive that she is now forced to try and sell her unpopular “Witness The Tour” tickets on Groupon for next to nothing. The few losers who are buying tickets on Groupon are getting them for less than $10, which is more than Katy Perry would make if the tickets were only sold through the ticket selling outlets that popular artists use.
Katy would like to blame President Trump and “Unavoidable production delays” for her unpopularity and failures, but it’s more likely that people just like Katy Perry, and don’t want to pay to see a shitty singer/performer, who has very few popular songs, and who will spend half the concert being political bitch that she is and attacking the President of the United States.
Honestly, I’ve seen 7 year old girls that sing circles around the dumb bitch, and have a better head on their shoulders than Perry does.
$9 for a ticket? I didn’t expect it to retail for less than a day old hoagie at a Brooklyn corner market.
It’s easy to see Katy Perry’s mental situation quickly declining. All you have to do is watch her in any interview that she does, and you will be able to tell that the stupid bitch is a fucking whacked-out nut-job.
In fact, the stupid crazy bitch just hacked off all of her hair, similar to when Brittany Spears had her meltdown, and now looks like a transvestite who wishes she was Justin Bieber.
This is not a drill. Katy Perry has literally begun selling tickets to her upcoming tour, “Witness The Tour,” on Groupon.
Perry has been plummeting in popularity since she started getting all political and whining about her breakup with Orlando Bloom. She cut her hair to look like a British schoolboy (no offense to the British schoolboys out there), made a bunch of remarks about Donald Trump, and started wearing pantsuits like Hilary Clinton.
I mean come on. Nobody enjoyed it when Hils blamed everyone else for her election loss. Stop blaming Trump for your album failure. It’s not a good look.
So as Katy continues on her downward spiral, she’s taken to Groupon to sell tickets at a SIGNIFICANTLY reduced price. Here’s a little sample:
$9 for a ticket? I don’t like Katy’s new work but I didn’t expect it to retail for less than a day old hoagie at a Brooklyn corner market.
I should have seen this coming. Last month, she announced she was postponing her tour due to “unavoidable production delays.”
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