Corrupt Obama DOJ Hack Loretta Lynch Rejected Clinton Foundation Pay for Play Investigation To Protect Hillary, DNC

Obama’s ULTRA CORRUPT so-called “Department of Justice” has declined to investigate their criminal friends at the Clinton Foundation for their obvious Pay for Play scheme.

The FBI asked the Department of Justice to open an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, but Loretta Lynch refused. Makes you think what would have happened IF FBI Director James Comey would have suggested an indictment of Clinton over her homemade email server, her deleted classified emails and disregard for US national security. I would be anything I own that stupid libtard bitch Loretta Lynch would have declined that request as well to protect Hillary from prison.

This “Department of Justice” is anything but. Instead, the DOJ is a protecting wing of Obama, Hillary, and the Democrats, while attacking conservatives at every possible opportunity.

Loretta Lynch is a disgusting corrupt piece of shit bitchbag troll, who has no business being the Attorney General of the United States!

There needs to be an in-depth investigation of the Clintons and their slush fund, also called the Clinton Foundation, as well as a complete investigation of the corrupt criminals in the DOJ!

Top Justice Department officials pushed for a public corruption probe of the Clinton Foundation earlier this year, but were overruled by their colleagues after a bank alerted the FBI to the “suspicious activity” of a foreign donor to the charity.

Three Justice Department field offices agreed that the agency should pursue the investigation at the behest of the FBI, CNN reported Thursday.

During a previously unreported meeting earlier this year, high-ranking Justice Department officials clashed over the possibility of pursuing a public corruption investigation. According to CNN, the agency had already looked into the Clinton Foundation in 2015 following the publication of a book, Clinton Cash, that detailed allegations of influence peddling.

Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the activities of foundation donors while serving as secretary of state has raised questions about whether she followed the ethics requirements imposed on her and her husband at the outset of her tenure.

While the FBI announced last month its intention to close a year-long probe of Clinton’s private email use without recommending charges, the law enforcement agency had remained silent on the existence of a separate, rumored investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

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