Brain-Dead Obama Administration Proposing Pay Raise for Already Overpaid Federal Employees

The corrupt and dangerous Obama administration policies have our nation on life support!

The corrupt and dangerous Obama administration policies have our nation on life support!

The Corrupt and Brain-Dead Obama administration is proposing a pay raise for Federal workers who already make about 6-% more than the private workers doing the exact same job.
In fact, Federal workers made an average $75,296 in salary last year, and this does not even include their “Golden Ticket” benefits, which average an additional $28,323 per year, per Federal employee.

This administration absolutely knows that their corrupt liberal policies are running our nation’s economy straight into the ground, but they don’t care. In fact, they WANT our economy to be badly damaged. As long as these corrupt Liberals/Marxists can increase the size of government, while giving their friends and supporters more of our hard-earned money, the Obama administration is happy, because they are doing exactly what they had planned.

The White House will propose a 0.5 percent pay increase for civilian federal employees as part of its 2013 budget proposal, according to two senior administration officials familiar with the plans.

The modest across-the-board pay jump would

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Lawless Obama Uses Signing Statements Despite Promises Not To Use Them

Lawless dictator Obama uses illegal signing statements, despite campaign promises not to use them.

Lawless dictator Obama uses illegal signing statements, despite campaign promises not to use them.

Among the book of lies, that Obama told the American People to get elected, was a lie about not using signing statements to allow the President to override the intent of laws passed by Congress.

In fact Obama attacked President Bush for using signing statements, and stated that he would NEVER use signing statements. As soon as Obama took office though the lies that flow so effortless from his lips started unraveling. Unfortunately, the corrupt, Obama-swooning, liberal media would not report on Obama’s lies and power grabs.

Obama’s latest signing statement allows his administration to ignore restrictions on U.S. missile defense systems data transfers to Russia, because Obama wants to allow the leaking our national defense secrets to our enemies.

As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama promised that if he was elected president he would not issue obscure declarations known as signing statements that thwart the intent of laws passed by Congress. But as the president now seeking reelection in 2012, on at least 20

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Lawless Dictator Obama Trashes Constitution Again With Non “Recess Appointments”

Lawless Dictator Obama Trashes Constitution Again With Non-Recess Appointments

Lawless Dictator Obama Trashes Constitution Again With Non-Recess Appointments

Barack Obama continues trashing the Constitution of the United States at every turn with his administration’s many lawless actions!
The latest lawlessness portrayed by the Obama administration is their lawless “recess” appointments, which were not really recess appointments because Congress never went into recess.

The Obama administration argued that what they did was illegal when the last administration tried it, but now that Obama thinks that he has the powers of a dictator, he can do anything he wants.

RUSH: All right, some people in the e-mail have taken exception with my description of Obama as “lawless” and acting outside the Constitution. Let me share with you a quote, and this is from a video. It might have been from yesterday out in Ohio, but it’s within the past couple days. Obama said, “When Congress refuses to act — and as a result, hurts our economy and puts our people at risk — then I have an obligation as president to do what I can without them.” He got applause. “I

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Corrupt Democratic Philadelphia Councilwoman Marian Tasco Scams City for $478,057

Corrupt and Greedy Councilwoman Marian B. Tasco is retiring Friday, but only so she can collect a $478,057 pension check and return to work Monday

Corrupt and Greedy Councilwoman Marian B. Tasco is retiring Friday, but only so she can collect a $478,057 pension check and return to work Monday

Philadelphia Democratic Councilwoman Marian B. Tasco, who plans on retiring, for only one day, to receive a $478,057 pension check, and then go back to work the next day, is a complete scam artist, and should not be allowed to get away with her scam!

If this corrupt Democrat wants to retire, then she needs to retire, and not try and use some loophole to take the money and continue working.

This is just another example of the typical Democrat Corruption and Greed we see everyday, but people on the left are too brain-dead to hold their party accountable.

Councilwoman Marian B. Tasco is retiring Friday, but only so she can collect a $478,057 pension check and return to work Monday, when she will be sworn in for her seventh term.

Tasco was one of six Council members to enroll in the city’s controversial Deferred Retirement Option Plan, better known as DROP. She did not

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Obama Raises National Debt Over $15 Trillion

Obama has increased US debt to over $15 trillion

Obama has increased US debt to over $15 trillion

Thanks to the Obama administration’s out-of-control overspending, and dangerous liberal policies, the United States’ National Debt has now passed the $15 trillion mark!

Many people will try and say that President Bush is the reason for our out of control national debt, but the Obama administration has already spent more of our money, in one term than, President Bush spent in two terms.

When will the American People stand up to Obama and make him stop the payoffs and paybacks to his political friends and supporters?

The Financial Report of the United States, which applies corporate-style accrual accounting methods to Washington, showed the government’s liabilities exceeded assets by $14.785 trillion. That compared with a $13.473 trillion gap a year earlier.

However, the government’s net operating cost, or deficit, in the report dropped to $1.313 trillion for the year ended September 30 from $2.080 trillion the prior year, largely reflecting a drop in expected future payments under government pension programs.

“Restoring fiscal $1.313 trillion sustainability will require substantial additional changes, including tax

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Corrupt Bureau of Labor Statistics Illegally Helping North Carolina Democrat

To help the Democrats get ahead of bad news, and in order to try and help their re-election bids, North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue’s staff have been illegally receiving insider information about monthly unemployment statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The penalties for early release of this data include up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine, and anyone who has been breaking the law should be punished under these standards!

The Carolina Journal, published by the Raleigh-based John Locke Foundation (for which I’ve given paid speeches on occasion) reports that staffers in North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue’s office have been getting advance word on monthly unemployment statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is highly illegal under federal law and violates what I have understood to be a strong tradition in the BLS and other government statistics that no one—no one at all, not even in the White House—gets advanced word ahead of the public announcement of government statistics.

There’s obviously good reason for this: someone with

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CA Democrat Assemblywoman Mary Hayashi Arrested For Grand Theft

California assemblywoman Mary Hayashi charged with felony grand theftDemocrat Assemblywoman Mary Hayashi has been charged with felony grand theft after allegedly stealing almost $2,500 in high-end clothing, such as Leather pants, a black skirt and a white blouse, from a Neiman Marcus store located in San Francisco.

These “Above The Law” actions by this Democrat Assemblywoman reflect the overall lawlessness displayed by many other Democrats. Many of the corrupt Democrats feel that they can do anything they want, without any fear of repercussions, so it is no wonder why other Democrats feel that they should be able to get away with breaking the law as well.

Lets remove all corrupt public employees, and fill their positions with trustworthy people, who don’t feel that they are above the law.

Assemblywoman Mary Hayashi has been charged with felony grand theft after allegedly being caught by security officers stealing nearly $2,500 in clothing from a San Francisco Neiman Marcus store.

The 45-year-old Castro Valley Democrat, wife of a Bay Area judge, pleaded not guilty Thursday in San Francisco Superior Court and is free on $15,000 bail pending further proceedings Nov. 15.

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Obama Packed Jobs Council With Democratic Donors, Bundlers, and Friends

Obama Packed "Jobs Council" With Democratic Donors & Bundlers

Obama Packed "Jobs Council" With Democratic Donors & Bundlers

Obama’s Crony Capitalism is completely out of control, and must be stopped! Remove Obama!

“At least 10 members of the Obama-appointed Council on Jobs and Competitiveness gave the legal maximum contribution — $4,600 — to help get Obama elected in 2008, and they continue to write checks for the president in 2012. Several also serve as Obama campaign bundlers, top fundraisers who collect millions of dollars from their networks of well-to-do colleagues and friends to aid his re-election bid.”

With all of the liberal pieces of crap on Obama’s “Jobs Council”, with No-Nothing, No-Jobs Obama as their boss, there is little to no chance that they will create any jobs. These jackasses are too stupid to figure out how to create jobs, even while the people who know how to create jobs, the Republicans, have been telling them exactly what needs to happen to turn things around. So I will be urging Republicans to vote against Obama’s “Jobs Plan”, because in reality, any plan that Obama and the Culture of Corruption …

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