False Flag – Ohio Domestic Terrorist Shooter Was ‘Leftist’ Satan Worshiper Who Supported Sanders, Warren & Antifa (Anti 1st Amendment Domestic Terrorist Group) & Watched CNN

The suspected terrorist shooter in the Ohio shooting, Connor Betts, was a leftist satan worshiper, who supported Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and the Antifa (Anti 1st Amendment Domestic Terrorist Group) Terrorist Organization, and many people knew that he was a danger to others, but did nothing until he killed 9 people, including his own sister – and then was shot and killed by the police.

The Antifa (Anti 1st Amendment Domestic Terrorist Group) Domestic Terrorist was stopped right in his tracks by the police, before he could enter the bar and murder countless others. Love seeing him drop like a rock! I have no idea why some outlets are stopping the video after the first shot – it’s not like you can see anything, other than the disgusting Antifa (Anti 1st Amendment Domestic Terrorist Group) Terrorist drop to the ground – which most people do want to see.

“he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.” – Connor Betts Twitter Bio

“We will never know how many lives were saved.

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