African Americans for Mixed Color Obama? WHAT A JOKE!!

Obama launches “African Americans for Obama”

Why would African Americans support a half black and half white president who has done NOTHING for the African American community?

  • Unemployment in the African American community is now at a staggering 16.7%!
  • The white-black wealth gap also is the widest since census began tracking such data in 1984!
  • Obama has forced more African Americans to use food stamps than any previous administration!



Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup – Lies – Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup - Lies - Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup - Lies - Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

It’s almost funny that jack-ass Eric Holder keeps denying knowledge of the Fast & Furious gun-running scheme, when anyone who has been paying attention can see, full-well, that Eric Holder and the DOJ have been lying through their teeth to try and coverup their ineptness, save themselves the embarrassment, and keep their jobs. It would definitely be funny if the guns that Eric Holder let walk were not used to kill U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December of 2010.

How can a U.S. Attorney General, who received multiple memos telling him about problems with the Justice Department’s gun running scheme, then turn around and say that he was not aware of the gunwalking scheme, or the problems associated with the DOJ gunwalking scheme? If Eric Holder was not aware of the Fast & Furious gun-running scheme, or the problems associated with the gun-running scheme, that is HIS OWN FAULT, and we think that Eric Holder actually didn’t WANT to know about the dangers …

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Obama To Release Taliban Terrorists – Sent Back To Kill American Military

Obama To Release Taliban Terrorists - Sent Back To Kill American Military

Obama To Release Taliban Terrorists - Sent Back To Kill American Military

The weakest administration in U.S. History, the brain-dead Obama administration, has decided that they will release Taliban terrorists from Guantánamo Bay. The Obama administration, who has no clue how to keep our nation safe, will not even explain their unbelievable decision to release dangerous terrorists with the American People.

It doesn’t matter if Qatari officials say the Taliban Terrorists would not be released. Even if the Qatari officials said the terrorists would be killed, we cannot trust anything these terrorists say. We all know that, as soon as the terrorists get home, the terrorists would be hailed as heroes, and then released to kill more Americans.

Obama doesn’t care though. As long as he is able to increase the size of our government, run our economy straight into the ground, and push our country more towards Socialism, Obama is getting what he wants.

Top Obama administration officials briefed eight senior Senate leaders Tuesday on a pending deal to transfer as many as five Taliban prisoners from the U.S.

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Obama Is STUPID! – Enjoy a Few Of Obama’s Many Gaffes

Obama doesn’t know how many states we have! – He thinks we have 58 states!

“I’ve now been in 57 states — I think one left to go.” – at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon

How many times can Obama say “UH” in one interview?

At least 30 times in this one interview! (Must not have had a teleprompter telling him what to say)

Obama thinks that 10,000 people died in the Kansas Tornado. (actual death toll was 12 people!)

Obama was only 9,988 people off from the truth – which is still more accurate than usual, for Obama.

Obama tries entering White House through the WINDOW!

The liberal, corrupt, Obama-swooning media liked attacking Bush, as stupid, for trying to go through a locked DOOR, but at least it was a door. Obama tried entering the White House through a window, yet you will never see the corrupt media trying to say that Obama is stupid for doing so.

Obama wants billionaires to pay the same tax rate as a Jew

“If asking a billionaire to pay the same …

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Feds: ‘Poor’ People Spend Money Like ‘Rich’ People Spend Money

Obama likes creating more unrest in America, by promoting the Democrat Class Warefare agenda that Obama has been using since before he took office.

Unfortunately for the Obama administration, two recent Department of Agriculture surveys have backed-up out July 19 2011 piece titled “Modern Poverty Includes AC, Flat Screen TVs, DVD players, Gaming Systems“, which says there is not much different between the way that ‘poor’ people spend money and they way that ‘rich’ people spend money.

Over 74% of the poor own a car or truck
Over 65% have more than one TV
Over 63% of the poor have cable or satellite TV
Over 50% of the poor have a cellular phone

As President Obama crafts a reelection income equality message aimed at punishing the rich and rewarding the poor, his own government finds that the 46 million living below the so-called “poverty line” live and spend pretty much like everyone else.

Forget the image of Appalachia or rundown ghettos: A collection of federal household consumption surveys collected by pollster Scott Rasmussen finds that 74 percent of

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New Obama Green Energy Pet Goes Bankrupt – American Taxpayer Loses $118 Million

Ener1, an Obama-backed hybrid car battery company files for bankruptcy

Ener1, an Obama-backed hybrid car battery company files for bankruptcy

Yet, another Green Energy pet of the Obama administration, Ener1, who received $118 Million in government funding, is now filing for bankruptcy! SHOCKING!!!

Take this latest waste of our money by the Obama administration, and add it to the other Obama-backed companies who took millions of dollars of our money, only to turn right around and file for bankruptcy, and I bet that the total is nearing a trillion dollars of lost money.

You can easily see that the Obama administration either has their hands dirty, in the pot of our money, or they just have no clue how to run an economy. We think it’s probably some of both! Obama definitely has no clue how to run an economy, and Obama is also very famous for spreading our wealth to his friends, family, and supporters.

The parent company of an electric car battery maker that received more than $100 million in government funding from the Obama administration has filed for bankruptcy protection, the company announced Thursday.

Alex Sorokin, the

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Obama To Ignore Order to Appear in Court By Atlanta Judge

Obama To Ignore Order to Appear in Court By Atlanta Judge

Obama To Ignore Order to Appear in Court By Atlanta Judge

Once again, Illegal Immigrant in Chief Obama, feels that he is above the law, and has decided to ignore a subpoena and judge’s order to appear in court.
Obama knows that if he did actually cooperate in the case against him, he would at worst be found not eligible to be president, or at the very least, would be badly damaged in his bid for re-election.

President Obama will ignore an order by an Atlanta judge to appear in court Thursday for a hearing in a case challenging his qualifications under the Constitution to be president.

According to the White House, Obama will continue with his current trip out West, starting the day in Las Vegas and then continuing on to Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colorado before heading to Detroit where he will spend the night.

The Associated Press reported last week that the judge had denied a motion to quash a subpoena for the president to show up for the hearing, which is scheduled for 9

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John Kerry Sports Two Black Eyes, Claims Hockey Injury, Not Cosmetic Surgery..

John Kerry's black eyes after having cosmetic surgery, which he denies.

John Kerry's black eyes after having cosmetic surgery, which he denies.

Kerry says that he received the two black eyes and possible broken nose playing hockey? I’m sorry, but that seems like a total lie!

I have watched a lot of hockey in my lifetime, and very rarely have I seen someone who looked as bad as John Kerry, sporting two black eyes and possibly a broken nose.
This seems to us to be much more like the healing of cosmetic surgery, than a sports injury.

If the injuries to John Kerry did happen while playing hockey, as they say, I’m sure they would have no problem talking about it, but they would not elaborate on the circumstances surrounding the injuries. (similar to when he got his Purple Hearts) So what are they hiding?

Senator John Kerry surprised a few people at the Boston Bruins Stanley Cup ceremony at the White House Monday afternoon.

The 68-year-old senator had two black eyes and a swollen nose.

His spokeswoman Whitney Smith told WBZ-TV Kerry broke his nose playing ice hockey recently.


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