Beyonce really is a stupid fat racist Black Panther skank, who made herself look even more disgusting when she used the half time of the Super Bowl to attack police and show support for Islam and the racist criminals in the Black Panthers, even though the premise of her attack, and the entire so-called “Black Lives Matter” movement is built on a complete lie that police are out there killing black people indiscriminately, which couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Brainless NFL Dickheads Allow Fat Racist Skank Beyonce to Use Super Bowl Halftime Showing Racist Hatred of Police
I didn’t actually watch the Stupid Bowl, the commercials or the racist Beyonce half-time show because I no longer support the corrupt & racist NFL in any way, but I have seen video and read reports on the disgusting racism displayed during the Super Bowl halftime show.
I’m glad that I also didn’t waste the time watching the game, which apparently was a boring snooze-fest.
I’m glad the NFL is catching hell for their racist halftime show, featuring the skanky fat racist whore, and most likely approved by the stupid piece of shit loser Roger Goodell, who has no fucking clue what he is doing, and should be fired.
Black people should really pull their heads out of their asses and at least try and learn the truth, which is that the police usually only shoot the criminals, and only a TINY percentage of blacks who come into contact with the police are shot, and an even more microscopic percentage actually die from their wounds.
Chicago had 82 black on black shootings IN ONE NIGHT a couple years ago, and there were no protests riots arson or looting. In fact not a word was spoken about it in the black community, because these racist black dickheads only know how to be the victim of the White Man, and ignore the HUGE majority of the shootings and deaths of blacks when it was other blacks who killed them.
If even one of those 82 blacks were shot by a cop, the racist fucks would have picked that one out of the other 81 to make a stink about, which takes away all of their credibility, and makes the so-called “Black Lives Matter” movement a total joke.
Black people make excuses for the criminals that the police are forced to shoot, and try turning the criminals into saints, which we all know is a good joke.
It’s sad and stupid that blacks willfully and brainlessly stay slaves to the Democrats, just as they have been since they were brought to this country on slave boats. Black people obviously don’t care about the real truth about racism in America – about the true history of the racist slave-driving Democrat party that most black people blindly support – about the Republican Party that was actually formed to fight the slave holding Democrats for freedom of blacks – about the Civil War, where Democrats fought to keep all black people in the chains of slavery – and how blacks to this day are still slaves to Democrats in return for a few government handouts.
After Lady Gaga kicked off Sunday’s 50th Super Bowl with an extraordinarily powerful rendition of the national anthem, it was all downhill for everyone but the Denver Broncos and their fans. The NFL reached an all-time low for its apparent approval of a predictably trashy and politicized halftime show featuring President Obama’s close friend, pop superstar Beyonce Knowles, bringing Black Panther chic and a Black Lives Matter message to family audiences nationwide.
As the UK’s Daily Mail Online reports, Beyonce led a troupe of dancers dressed as slutty Black Panthers on the field to perform her new single “Formation,” which is being considered a sort of rallying cry for the Black Lives Matter movement. At one point during the song, the dancers formed an “X” on the field – an apparent reference to black power icon Malcolm X – and then raised their fists in a stylized black power salute.
You may recall that the Black Panther Party was, as the Freedom Center’s Discover the Networks site describes them, a violent revolutionary organization of the 1960s and 1970s whose members engaged in drug dealing, pimping, rape, extortion, assault, and murder. Their aim was to harass the police, protest against “police brutality” and America’s allegedly racist power structure, and ultimately ignite a violent race war in the United States. Malcolm X was (again quoting Discover the Networks) a civil rights activist, vociferous anti-Semite, and Nation of Islam member who called for black separatism, exhorted blacks to combat racism “by any means necessary,” including violence, and said: “History proves that the white man is a devil.”
Great role models for a Super Bowl halftime performance viewed by an estimated .
Following the show, several of the dancers were pictured giving the same salute around a piece of paper that read “justice 4 Mario Woods,” a black man shot dead by police in San Francisco last December.
The day before the Super Bowl, Beyonce released the video for “Formation,” which features the singer lying on top of a sinking police cruiser in a flooded, post-Katrina New Orleans, as well as a black child in a hoodie dancing in front of a line of police officers in riot gear, and graffiti on a wall that says, “Stop shooting us.”
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