WOW!! Darrell Brooks is not only now a convicted mass murderer, but holy shit is that dude is dumb as fucking shit!!! Darryl Brooks rolled his eyes, mocked and blamed his victims while they were on the stand, or giving their victim impact statements, but then the brainless dumbfuck mass murderer spent his time at the end of the trial trying to make himself look like a victim, and trying to make people feel sorry for him in a 2+ hour rant about everything except the horror he caused.
The heartless lunatic murderer acts like he doesn’t know why he is in court, and never really even once said “sorry” to his victims and their families for what he did to them. In fact, the only time we saw ANY emotions from Darrell Brooks is when his Mom was giving her impact statement to the court just before sentencing. Brooks did say that he was sorry for “what happened” but not sorry for what HE DID.
If I were in the position that Darrell Brooks was in, I would have stood up and used my time to offer my sincere apologies to all of the people I hurt, and then drop to my knees to beg for their forgiveness. Brooks did not do anything even close. In fact piece of shit mass murderer Darrell Brooks actually said that he STILL “doesn’t understand the true nature and cause for the charges” against him! What Total Bullshit!
Did Darrell Brooks actually think about what he was going to say before he started, or was his statement before sentencing just the ramblings of a murderer?
Did Darrell Brooks actually think that what he was saying was helping himself? I would argue that Darrell Brooks statement actually hurt him more than he already had since Nov 21st 2021.
Darrell Brooks finally said what he wanted in sentencing when he said that he would like to be properly evaluated and medicated, basically so that he can realize when he is about to do something stupid and stop it before it begins.. But who the fuck cares if mass murderer Darrell Brooks is in a better mental space, when he should have been given the death penalty, and will probably be sitting in a prison cell for the rest of his life anyway, so there would be nobody else around that he could hurt.
We hope that many other prison inmates give Darrell Brooks a few lessons in pain in the next 700+ years he was sentenced to.
Brooks said that “God knows who I am” and that “I don’t have any doubt where I’m going”.
We don’t either. It’s called Hell.
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