America Hating Piece of Shit Young Turks Loser Hasan Piker Tries & Fails Explaining Away ‘America Deserved 9/11’ Statement

America Hating Piece of Shit Young Turks Loser Hasan Piker Tries & Fails Explaining Away 'America Deserved 9/11' Statement

America Hating Piece of Shit Young Turks Loser Hasan Piker Tries & Fails Explaining Away ‘America Deserved 9/11’ Statement

America-hating leftist piece of shit Young Turks douchebag Hasan Piker is lying while trying to explain away his “America Deserved 9/11” statement, and others, by saying that “English is not his first language” and that he didn’t really mean when he said.

“No, I didn’t say, ‘Americans deserve 9/11’ – I said, ‘America deserves 9/11’. I thought that I was saying that, you could draw a direct line, basically, that it was a consequence all of the things that we (the United States) have done in the region.” – America Hating Young Turks Fuckface Hasan Piker

That is complete and utter bullshit, and Hasan Piker knows full well that whether the statement is “America Deserved 9/11”, or “Americans Deserved 9/11”, it all means the same thing, and trying to separate the two is stupid bullshit, similar to Bill Clinton parsing the meaning of “is” while facing impeachment for lying to Congress.

The stupid dicknose tool also attacked US Military Veteran Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s wartime injury, doing something that Hasan Piker was too much of a nutless fucking pussy to do himself. Yes, that’s right. This man has no balls.

“This guy has the understanding of foreign policy of, like, a 12-year-old. What the fuck. What the fuck is wrong with this dude? Didn’t he go to war and like literally lose his eye because some mujahideen — a brave fucking soldier — fucked his eye hole with their dick? Isn’t that how he fucking lost his dumbass eye, because he got his fucking eye hole fucked, by a brave soldier?”

So a “Brave Terrorist Soldier” “Fucked The Eyehole” of one of our brave heroes? Is that it, you disgusting waste of air?

Hasan Piker is a stupid & worthless Socialist Bernie supporting hipster douche, who appears to also be a Satan Worshiper, judging by some of the stupid shit he wears, like devil rings.

Honestly, I have no clue who this stupid piece of shit loser is, and I really have no desire to find out. I know he is the nephew of fat leftist fuckface Cenk Uygur, and that is pretty much all I need to know to realize that the dude is a complete fucking tool who definitely deserves the titlewave of hate that is surely flowing his way right about now! Lets see how long he lasts.

On Thursday, “The Young Turks” (TYT) co-creator Cenk Uygur had network commentator Hasan Piker, who is Uygur’s nephew, on the program to discuss controversial statements he made on Tuesday night about 9/11 and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX). During a Twitch livestream, Piker said “America deserved” the terror attacks on September 11, 2001 that left 3,000 innocents dead and viciously mocked Rep. Crenshaw, a former SEAL, for losing his eye during an IED explosion while serving overseas.

Uygur disavowed the statements made from Piker throughout the discussion, but noted his nephew should have a chance to explain the commentary. For his part, Piker said he used imprecise language when he declared “America deserved 9/11,” underscoring that he is “anti-war,” and suggested one could “chalk” up the apparent error “to English being [his] second language.”

“I thought that I was saying that, you could draw a direct line, basically, that it was a consequence all of the things that we (the United States) have done in the region,” Piker told Uygur, explaining his 9/11 comment.

The TYT host told Piker that it was still “wrong” to say “Americans deserve 9/11.”

“No, I didn’t say, ‘Americans deserve 9/11,’ I said, ‘America deserves 9/11,'” Piker said.

“And that’s still wrong,” replied Uygur.

“Well, maybe you could chalk it up to English being my second language, or whatever you wanna chalk it up to,” Piker responded, adding that he “should have used more precise and better use of the language there.”

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