Uh Oh!! The bad news for democrats just keeps coming, doesn’t it? This time it’s the revelation that Attorney General Bill Barr has ordered an investigation into the unmasking of General Flynn, and has tasked US Attorney John Bash to conduct the investigation.
The corrupt democrats wade into deeper and deeper hot water every day as we learn more about the criminal actions of the Obama administration – before and after the election – and I’m sure the investigation into the unmasking of Flynn will actually reveal more democrat crimes.
This is music to the ears of law-abiding Americans who want to see all of the criminals who abused their positions in government and the intelligence agencies to pay for their crimes.
Hopefully we will also learn the redacted names (probably Obama and Clinton) on the list of people who requested the unmasking of Gen Flnnn, and those people can be held accountable as well.
On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Department of Justice communications director Kerri Kupec stated that U.S. Attorney John Bash has been tapped by Attorney General William Barr to conduct an investigation of unmasking that will be supporting John Durham’s investigation and stated that “looking specifically at who was unmasking whom can add a lot to our understanding about motivation and big picture events.”
Kupec said, [relevant remarks begin around 1:30] “So, John Durham, as part of his investigation, had been looking at the issue of unmasking. And the attorney general determined that certain aspects of unmasking needed to be reviewed separately, as a support to John Durham’s investigation. So, he tapped John Bash, one of our U.S. Attorneys out of Texas, to do just that. And Sean, obviously, we know that unmasking inherently isn’t wrong, but certainly, the frequency, the motivation, and the reasoning behind unmasking can be problematic. And when you’re looking at unmasking as part of a broader investigation, like John Durham’s investigation, looking specifically at who was unmasking whom can add a lot to our understanding about motivation and big picture events.”
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org