I’m sorry, but Lacy Clay is a cynical racist piece of shit loser who has no business being a congressman.

Race Baiting Loser Democrat Congressman Lacy Clay Caused Violence With Cynical Response to Grand Jury Verdict
What kind of asshole congressman would come on the TV in such a tense and volatile moment, and say that the law did not work, after the announcement that a grand jury failed to indict Officer Darren Wilson? A stupid racist terrorist-enabling asshole, that’s what kind.
“The justice system did not work well at all. I think it put St Louis in a light that certainly doesn’t symbolize a first-class city.” – Racist Asshole Dickhead Lacy Clay
Even Obama’s statement after the announcement was carefully crafted to add heat to the fire, cast doubt into the grand jury’s decision, and create more civil unrest.
The pack of thugs took their marching orders from Obama and Clay and almost immediately started breaking windows, looting, throwing hunks of concrete and batteries at police, and setting a police car on fire after trying but failing to tip over the vehicle. Soon there was hundreds of gunshots, and the Ferguson businesses were set ablaze, and burned to the ground.
I have to laugh when I hear idiots say that “the system failed” because there was no indictment. In fact, the system worked great, because the killing of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson was completely justified.
What didn’t work great was the government protecting the city and it’s citizens. The terrorist has so much lead time to prepare and gather that by the time it mattered, (sundown) police couldn’t do anything to stop the terrorism. The National Guard could have helped, but idiot Jay Nixon didn’t call in the National Guard until it was too late to be of any help whatsoever. All they could do is sit back and watch the city burn.
Also, whoever came up with the brilliant idea to release the Grand Jury decision at 8:00PM is a fucking idiot, and deserves to be shot (not literally). Whoever it was basically caused the whole problem with their horrible timing.
The Grand Jury announcement should have been announced at 6:00AM, when it would be getting light outside, and the terrorists would not have he protection of darkness while they run wild and terrorize the city. Also, the terrorist thug animals wouldn’t have had all day to prepare for their wave of crime and arson, which completely destroyed most of the businesses in town.
Great Job Dumb Asses!!
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org